IS WOW DEAD? My Future Plans | State of Blizzard & World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.1 Shadowlands state of the game video. This video looks at the current expansions of World of Warcraft (Shadowlands), the controversy surrounding Blizzard and the lawsuit and much more!

I hope that with this video I will clear up the direction of my channel and my opinion surrounding WoW & Blizzard!

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Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

00:00 Intro
02:09 State of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
08:36 Blizzard & Lawsuit
14:12 My Future Plans (YouTube & Twitch)

External Sources
Photos from the #ActiBlizzWalkout Protests – Employees and Players Rally Together:
The perfect storm striking World of Warcraft:
Shadowlands Best Covenants per class & spec:
Blizzard turned game developers into rock stars. Misbehavior followed:
Scripe Twitter:
Max Twitter:
Preach Gaming:

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49 thoughts on “IS WOW DEAD? My Future Plans | State of Blizzard & World of Warcraft: Shadowlands”

  1. Haven't played this game in 6 years. Its funny to hear people say hiw bad it us like this is something new lol. The day that wow token came out was the beginning if the end. Granted carrya for gear and arenas always happened but in 2015 they literally made it so everyone can

  2. The zones are great. The raiding is good and fun with a guild. Dungeons and M+ is in a good state. So keep that going but don't add any borrowed power systems.
    Just do the content. Do harder content and get the progression like that with better gear.

    Best is kinda to start all over. A new story. Maybe go back a few thousand of year in the timeline. Wow 2.0 has to happen to get (new) people back.

  3. Honestly man you have a good attitude about stuff, so if you switched over to FFXIV or New Worlds or Ashes people will go with you. Like people stop playing Madden football because it sucks (which it does lol) but people still watch certain youtubers for it. I watch a guy just because I enjoy how he plays and has fun with it even though the last Madden I got was 2017 or so. I think the difference here is that WOW harassments has made people not even want to watch people streaming WOW ( along with bad end game stuff to do for awhile now). Honestly think you should go into some of these other MMO's and see how it is. I went to FF and enjoying it a lot and I haven't even done an instance or raid yet. I am still only lvl 22 but enjoying the story that I am taking my time.

  4. Raids have always been fantastic for WoW, Ians influence made sure of that but that being said the other main aspects of the game are terrible. The forced grinds for soul ash for multiple legendaries every time you upgrade for every character. Having to farm an absurd amount of anima just in to get access to all the parts of your convenants, the use of conduit energy and the lack of variety within the conduits in terms of impactful choice, not being able to switch convenants and then making the game not friendly to alts or haveing account wide functions. Then the incredibly boring dailies that you could do in your sleep. The pvp has the biggest barrier to entry I've ever seen, it wiill take you weeks to months just to get enough items to start climbing in Arena and not get 2 shot by the burst classes. I went into pvp with an item lvl 215 last time I was on retail and 3 people plus myself got absolutely mowed down by a max item level warrior/ret paladin trying to defend an area. Once I had that happen half a dozen times in the next hour I realized pvp wasn't fun and was a complete waste of my time.

    I'm playing TBC at the moment and I'm grinding tons of stuff out for 2 lvl 70 characters and it doesn't feel even half as bad as retail, reason being is because it's optional and once I get them done I never have to do the them again for those characters (rep grinds, profession farming, gold making for epic flying, stocking consumes for next phase, etc).

    People don't like feeling what they are doing is a waste of time and that they are forced to log on everyday as a chore just to keep up with your characters. At this point they deserve to have retail bottom out due to not listening to any feedback we gave them since BFA.

  5. Hey MadSkillzzTV I love the channel and wil always check out your content even though I'm completely done with WoW. I would def recommend you check out FFXIV, I think you could make some great content with it. Either way thanks again, you were the reason I started healing in wow and am now healing in FFXIV.

    The tongue action as you were playing, concentration right there.
    Well its sad to hear you say "have to do it" & "unfortunately" you need to make videos.
    I hope you still enjoy it as it will come across in your videos. There are plenty people like myself who are adding new games to their mix (New World) but sticking around for what hopefully be better times for Warcraft. I'll be sticking around for your content

  7. Well my friend I cancelled my sub 3 months ago (still ahve 3 months left) but the allure of the game is gone.
    Stoopz and others said it best as it is hard to log on to grind away with all the chores one has to do daily.

    I enjoy alts but its way too much of a grind to level them. Yes there has been some relief in rep given but it isnt near enough to enjoy alts which for a lot of players is enjoyable to explore.
    The denied changes asked for by players that you displayed that included covenant changes and to get rid of the covenant power(limits on conduit changes) is downright silly.

    In the story one's character is the hero of the shadowlands yet only one covenant is on good terms with them even though the character is assisting all covenants? So much for fantasy play that the Devs used as an excuse to change specific specs/classes. Being unrecpetive and making the play experience unpleasant just eventually wears thin on people and the pvp sytem is so broke it is clear they have no clue to what they are doing or there is no pvp Developer actually working or overseeing this part of the game (which is what I beleive is the main issue).

    Honestly I would like to see the game recover but the changes needed have to be addressed. The min/max culture for high end corporate bonuses is the root cause for all of these issues as the team/staff is not supported as it should to be able to provide a high quality experience for the players as a whole.

    The graphics and raid design were really good in my opinion and the overall concept with the storyline was well done. I really didnt have any issues with the covenants in general but the restrictions were over the topas well as too many chores. Torghast I thought could have been done differently but this is a topic for another discussion.

  8. Dude, even if the controversy never had happened, the torgast, covenant restrictions and super strict weekly renown & story quest system… WHY. I have 2 shamans for this expansion and I hate it. I'm done working in a video game. I just wanna jump in with my friends, select a build and try it on m+ and raid. Just let me PLAY the game. God, how hard is it to understand this?

  9. I sub to your channel a month ago, you're a great content provider and incredibly helpful. Frustrating situation for sure. I started in vanilla left after Wraith and only play a tiny bit of Cata (didn't feel like the same game) decided to come back 3 months ago to check out shadowlands. I understand everyone's frustrations. My paladin just does M+ dungeons, other than that, I choose not to engage with the rest of their systems. I just use my alts to time walk and play through the storylines of WOD, Legion and BFA (working on getting allied races). Once I get done getting the allied races and I grow bored of M+, i'm out if Blizz doesn't make drastic changes to it's work culture and game (including not being too arrogant to listen to player feedback). Yes, I do play FFXIV and it's an excellent game ( but not a big fan of the combat). Blizz can learn some lessons from them.

  10. Wow really needs an overhaul. We need to weed out the wokeness at Blizz, we need an overhaul of youtubers and streamers (please go to another game) and find a way to stop the constant and continual negativity towards the game. It's almost like cancel culture has crept into the game and everyone is doing their best to ensure it dies, so these changes need to be done. Some new ideas in game, some fresh streamers and players that are dedicated to playing the game.

  11. Blizzard is LFM workers for Wow PVE and PVP. Is wow dying? Shadowlands are kinda dying, but i think its a matter of like 4 maybe more months. Blizzard is not stupid, they just had a monopoly on MMO so they could do whatever they wanted and people would still buy it, now they don't have and a lot of MMO games are coming soon, so i'm pretty sure they will work giga hard for the next patch/expansion to bring back the player base and content creators, they didnt do that before, because they didnt have to

  12. It really doesn't matter what content they will put to the game if game itself is pay to win. It just feels like playing the game wasting your time because seems like everything in game is worth nothing… because some else can buy it with real money…

  13. From a software engineering perspective, unfortunately the "feedback isn't heard" might not be as true as "the die was already cast on the development of the covenant system" by the time the software got to alpha/beta.

  14. I still like the wow lore.. I mean true wow lore not that crap from last 2 expansions and Im so glad that I have left few months ago. The whole game just feels pointless and why the f should I do anything due to pointless state in like 2 months ?

  15. I agree with everything you said. SL and 9.1 have introduced so many tedious tasks to complete per character that is just too much. What was intended to increase time played metrics, for me, have had the opposite effect. I play less now than I did prior to 9.1. I've shelved all but one of my toons because of it. And yeah, the lawsuit and allegations certainly isn't helping anything.

  16. this expac is almost hostile towards alts, I want so badly to play other classes but the thought of doing the campaigns/renown/conduits/TORGAST/legendary I just can't do it. This is ultimately the saddest part. I want to play it so badly but they've made it in such a way that I cant bring myself to do it

  17. My 6th month sub renewed in June so I’ll keep playing till I finish raising this tier with my guild but it feels harder and harder for me to justify staying.

  18. Still playing the game and I am enjoying it. The systems are frustrating at times but no different then the systems we had through out legion and BFA. As for the youtubers quitting? They are just following the trend. They will be, for the majority, front and centre streaming 9.2 news just like always.

  19. Change won't come. If I where you I would focus on other games. Never bet on 1 horse for your career, especially in gaming. PS: WOW will not die but the public will be less and less interested in WOW till you see it reflect on your channel that no one is watching it anymore.

  20. (In answer to the question, not the video).

    I consider an MMO dead when it shuts down, like City of Heroes Star Wars Galaxies and Wildstar.

    I think WOW is unlikely to die, just become very barren for at least a year. Blizzard will never pull the plug on its biggest historical cashcow.

    There will be a few thousand die-hard fans, probably a brief surge in numbers in the next expansion. I myself will likely dedicate a month to do SL all in one go when the final patch is out.

    Until there's a staff shift on the dev level as well as the CEO, WOW won't regain its former glory, it'll fade like Runescape, Everquest and FFXI before it.

    This is all a theory mind you, we can never know what the next year will bring. This decade has taught us that if nothing else.

  21. Mayor, and I mean mayor design flaws WoW always had:
    – with new expansions, ALL ITEMS FROM BEFORE BECAME USELESS (essentially tthe biggest design flaw for games ever created in history of gaming)
    – COOLDOWNS ON SKILLS, a dysfunctional design destroying the combat dynamic (yes, even 5 minutes cooldowns on skill, how retarded is such design?)
    -Lore CHANGED from warcraft one to HELLBOY one. The identity of Warcraft is totaly destroyed and obsolete now, especialy in last 2 DLCs
    -game is like 15+ years old dudes, let that sink in…..You play it for 3 years and I might think you are some sort of society degenerate and society outcast….there is just something terribly terribly wrong with you mentally, you must be a miserable human being playing game for so long.

    That being it, the mayor degeneration of a game design which occured.

  22. You are 100% right about what happens in the SW industry and in STEM companies in general… There are several reasons for this: One of them is due to our own internal build as a species … We, humans persecute other humans just because in a weird way it gives us a sense of achievement, it makes us feel better about ourselves, more important or righteous and, in some worst cases, we do it because we think is fun… We are the only animals who do this, while there are other animal like orca's and dolphins which are known to "enjoy" themselves by preying on other animals, they are not doing this with members of their own species…
    The other reason is based on demographics, and the isolated work environments… I know is sound strange, but hear me out… In the past two decades or so, SW (and STEM) companies generally employed man, not because woman are not capable (far from it), but because women, tend to avoid STEM jobs and are more inclined towards social-care type of jobs… This meat that working environments in STEM companies are. well. driver by testosterone and that can easily become a powder keg (just image a place where over-competitiveness is encouraged and couple this with a few "jokers" who spread misogynist and/or racist ideas "as a way to lighten the mood")… Enter 2020's (it started since about 2015) and all of the sudden women became more interested in STEM… Now there are more women in an environment who was pretty much (alfa)male dominant… Note. these problems are not new, they existed since, (probably) ever… but there was no real push to make anything about it… and I think this is the main reason why woman avoided STEM in the first place… and that's just a shame on us as a species because we kind of lose 50% of our brain power by just being assholes…

    Well, this is my opinion, and I could be wrong about it…

  23. It’s sad to hear you say you have to continue to support wow because you “have to”. You don’t have to do anything. I enjoy you as a creator, but I very much disagree with continuing to support this company (just my opinion). Asmond had record high streaming numbers streaming FF14 and I think you could do the same.

    I’m unsubscribed for now, best of luck to you.

  24. I can appreciate what youre saying about needing wow, and its your job.
    But im sure you have a ton of viewers like me, i found your stream 18 months ago maybe? And naturally it was because of wow, but honestly i dont keep coming back because youre playing wow, its because youre an entertaining dude to watch and that'll stay true regardless of what you play
    I hope it works out whatever you decided to do man 🤙


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