NEW Rogue Covenant Legendaries!? (Shadowlands 9.1 Rogue Legendary Overview)

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The latest PTR build has brought us information on all of the covenant, rogue specific legendaries! Are they great, terrible, or somewhere in between?

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:31 Overview/Disclaimers
0:01:54 Kyrian – Resounding Clarity
0:03:41 Venthyr – Obedience
0:04:59 Night Fae – Toxic Onslaught
0:06:24 Necrolord – Deathspike
0:08:26 Closing Comments/Recap/Thanks for watching! ^^

All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:
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Twitter- @ZeraTheRedRogue

If you are interested in helping support the Shiba Shenanigans, maybe become a patron of mine? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. ^^

As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from Wowhead.


17 thoughts on “NEW Rogue Covenant Legendaries!? (Shadowlands 9.1 Rogue Legendary Overview)”

  1. TLDR:
    Necrolord legendary sounds potentially awesome in AoE but is little/no gain in single target
    Venthyr legendary is super bugged to crap and will probably give good burst, but might not be a huge overall DPS gain.
    Kyrian legendary is untested as of now, but could be a potentially average choice in single target and AoE, but probably not a new meta choice.
    Night Fae legendary needs to be scrapped and just replaced entirely. The only power that can literally be a DPS loss if it overwrites your buff. Like wth. XD

    I like the Necrolord quite a lot, even if it means basically 0 DPS gain in single target. I hope this information proves helpful to you all, have a lovely day. ^^

  2. The Necrolord Legendary looks very nice for m+ with the right group. Maybe with a Afflilock for Bosses. I hope thats the meta in 9.1 change for Outlaw. Maybe even with another pair of buffs for my favo spec

  3. When I saw the Kyrian Rogue Covenant Ability Leggo… I did scoff a bit. Like… Why couldn't they make THAT 4 anima charges point baseline as a solution of a minigame many people have gripe with for a compensation of the nerfs that the Echoing Reprimand got and perhaps give a different legendary effect? Seriously, that Legendary seems like a solution to a problem that should have been fixed a long time ago because supercharging ONE combo point is just a headache. x,x

    30% vers sounds WAY Too good from a flagellation leggo anyway. Cooldown reduction is a very powerful boon for any class that should not be overlooked by anyone… Unless it's Icecap. T_T

    Sepsis Leggo makes the ability granting whichever the buff it grants you sounds interesting. I just wish that we could equip more leggoes to warrant using it.

    DETHSPIEK, sounds good for M+ and hectic cleave, not ST at all. Like Korayn's First Strike.

  4. So my tldr:
    Venthyr – if Vers persists as Haste, might be cool for burst
    Necrolord – a BiS for M+ yo, and avoid it at all cost for ST
    Night Fae – even if the bug is fixed, not attractive for 1.5 min CD with 8 sec long CD effect
    Kyrian – still doesn't fix the crappy minigame
    Hmm quite different opinions as to Dalaran (potentials in Necro, Venthyr, and NF; bad on Kyrian)

    Do you think Blizz is balancing these with the mind of the eventual two leggo equip in between 9.1.5 – 9.3.5?

  5. I think sticking with the current legendaries might not be directly the best for dps, but I feel like sticking to the good legos that we have now would benefit me because I'm familiar

  6. Enjoying your videos since I am pushing my rogue. Thank you for this!!
    Is there a possibility to easily geht your UI in total with the config? Looks very good and functional. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work :)!


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