Is your Warcraft Sin WORSE than mine?

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Is your Warcraft Sin WORSE than mine? #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #mmorpg #mmo #warwithin #twitchclips #gamer #gaming


40 thoughts on “Is your Warcraft Sin WORSE than mine?”

  1. The modern auction house works on the Last in First out basis. While it is your items you can do whatever you want you don't have to cut the price (1c or 1g) to be the first seller on the list. The moment you post your auction at the same lowest price, you are the first seller on the list.

  2. The auction house doesn’t work like that anymore. If you post at the same price as someone else yours goes first in line, just like grabbing a coke at the store. Yours will sell first. They made this change in BFA.

  3. Uh were do i start? Pretending to be a girl so i get carried in dungeons, Killed a player 3 days in a row evertime he entered Strangle thorn, he quit that character never saw him online again. Destroyed a guild, taking everthing from the Guildbank, sold it for dirt cheap, kicked al members out and tranfered server after. I think that are my worst sins in WoW

  4. Stole Ash of Alar in a pug back in Wrath 😅 logged server transferred that day got almost enough gold to learn epic flying so that was a few days of farming and a GM whispers me asking me to log. I ignored him and they booted me off.
    He found it in my Bank all hiding with a bunch of loot all around it 😂
    I got a 3 day ban for that.
    Oh also this happened when we were doing 25man Uld prog, the guild was pissed because I was the tank.
    Good times 🤫

  5. This is how the auctionhouse workes before shadowlands … since shadowlands if multiple seller put it in at same price the items get selled by lifo principle – last in first out. So if you just dont undercut you still sell first


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