My dear creator, that is just a made up sin, I decrease price by 10-20% just to sell it, that's 100% normal and not a sin Please find a better sin and remake the reel
The modern auction house works on the Last in First out basis. While it is your items you can do whatever you want you don't have to cut the price (1c or 1g) to be the first seller on the list. The moment you post your auction at the same lowest price, you are the first seller on the list.
I’m the being whomst drops the price by a ton so people get excited then start racking up the price to replicate inflation, just to see how far someone is willing to go. Made me a couple mil
The auction house doesn’t work like that anymore. If you post at the same price as someone else yours goes first in line, just like grabbing a coke at the store. Yours will sell first. They made this change in BFA.
Uh were do i start? Pretending to be a girl so i get carried in dungeons, Killed a player 3 days in a row evertime he entered Strangle thorn, he quit that character never saw him online again. Destroyed a guild, taking everthing from the Guildbank, sold it for dirt cheap, kicked al members out and tranfered server after. I think that are my worst sins in WoW
Stole Ash of Alar in a pug back in Wrath logged server transferred that day got almost enough gold to learn epic flying so that was a few days of farming and a GM whispers me asking me to log. I ignored him and they booted me off. He found it in my Bank all hiding with a bunch of loot all around it I got a 3 day ban for that. Oh also this happened when we were doing 25man Uld prog, the guild was pissed because I was the tank. Good times
This is how the auctionhouse workes before shadowlands … since shadowlands if multiple seller put it in at same price the items get selled by lifo principle – last in first out. So if you just dont undercut you still sell first
1 gold? I drop it by 10 or if I want it sold faster, 50 gold.
When i played i did this all the time. So i understand.
It says that when you list it if you list it at the same price as the lowest rather than even a silver lower, you still go first
This is how the auction house works
Not a sin at all, that’s how it works!
I do the same but at a copper
I cut that price in half when I post it. It ain't real money and the amount of gold you accumulate naturally is astonishing.
But but….. it’s first in first out at that price…… but but why
My dear creator, that is just a made up sin, I decrease price by 10-20% just to sell it, that's 100% normal and not a sin
Please find a better sin and remake the reel
I drop it by a copper
Why why's why
The modern auction house works on the Last in First out basis. While it is your items you can do whatever you want you don't have to cut the price (1c or 1g) to be the first seller on the list. The moment you post your auction at the same lowest price, you are the first seller on the list.
undercut is no necessary
Not bad at all you should do this every one should do this so price get better
Just 1g?
Pff, those are rookie #s
I’ll undercut 10-15% just to get a quick sale then the market price isn’t affected
That’s how it works, a sin would be undercutting stuff to 1/10th or 1/20th of the normal price.
In wotlk i bye it all and sell it the duble price
A whole gold piece? What the hell is wrong with you?!?! 5c max!
I’m the being whomst drops the price by a ton so people get excited then start racking up the price to replicate inflation, just to see how far someone is willing to go. Made me a couple mil
Well, normally i drop a silver
I do to
I sold out the Guild bank 2 Weeks ago and made 1 million on Gold with old Crafting Materials.
Most time I cut the Lowest Price By 10-15%
I think its can be called witchery
You will burn
Sorry thats the rules
The auction house doesn’t work like that anymore. If you post at the same price as someone else yours goes first in line, just like grabbing a coke at the store. Yours will sell first. They made this change in BFA.
Lol that's not a sin. That's how AH works mate
Theres an addon for that
My brother lowers it with 1 whole gold i just drop it 1 silver
I drope it by 50g so i gurantee it
well heres something… i was the guy who would see people undercutting by 1 gold and buy the higher priced ones on purpose xD
1 gold is better than 5 gold
Uh were do i start? Pretending to be a girl so i get carried in dungeons, Killed a player 3 days in a row evertime he entered Strangle thorn, he quit that character never saw him online again. Destroyed a guild, taking everthing from the Guildbank, sold it for dirt cheap, kicked al members out and tranfered server after. I think that are my worst sins in WoW
This guy always coming in clutch with the delusional takes
If it's still good profit I'll drop it 50g I don't care
I drop it a copper not to fuck the economy up, if everyone drops it a gold, then it's worthless
The unforgivable sin we all know where You're going
I don't think that's a sin. Probably more like being shrewd.
Stole Ash of Alar in a pug back in Wrath
logged server transferred that day got almost enough gold to learn epic flying so that was a few days of farming and a GM whispers me asking me to log. I ignored him and they booted me off.

He found it in my Bank all hiding with a bunch of loot all around it
I got a 3 day ban for that.
Oh also this happened when we were doing 25man Uld prog, the guild was pissed because I was the tank.
Good times
This is how the auctionhouse workes before shadowlands … since shadowlands if multiple seller put it in at same price the items get selled by lifo principle – last in first out. So if you just dont undercut you still sell first