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Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide showing you how to get reputation from Cooking Feast event and daily locations
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#bizzleberry #worldofwarcraft
omg your voice is so soothing i feel like im in love
It was almost impossible to get tasks due to amount of people. Was only able to finish it (com feast) one time. Did not test it after the reset
I'm sorry but, how do you get weekly quest from grimtusk's fishing hole ? I don't have anything at this point (i have the craft done)
You get 1000+ rep if you are a few people.
The ice fishing area is bugged out for me, havent been able to do dailys there for 2 days now….
How did you get the Battered imbu-made net? I have fished on highlands and Leaper pools for over 6 hours straight, and 6 hours on ice holes, not a single net has dropped.
Thanks for the guide Bizzle! I'm determined to grind reputation for the tuskarr because i want the otter mount so bad.
actually helpful guide instead of the the random content users that have no clue what they're talking about
Thanks for the info. The Magic Chests are just like the Dirt Piles, except I have been getting A LOT more Titan Relics from them.
I am rank 12 and have never seen a fishing hole at Azure Span
Rep is just ions way of lying about "moving away from time-gating" so expect them to nerf anything. They are gonna stall as much as they can with rep gains.
did only get 25 rep for the feast after redoing it
how did u have already 2 item set?
You can now get Reputation by handing in fish at a fishing hole!
I just wanna add that you can actually buy a "Contract: Iskaara Tuskarr" from AH, that gives you a buff that lasts 7 days. It gives you 15 rep with the Tuskarr for every world quest you complete. This ofc also exists for the other factions. Def worth grabbing!
I'm level 13 renown with tuskarr but I have no daily for ice fishing, any idea how I can activate it?
WOOOT you also play wow now! so surprised, i watched your league videos so much lol! 😀
I didn't know you make wow videos too!!
The replenishment fish weeklys actually do give rep. It gives 100rep each and the one requiring the uncommon fish gives 200. They then give only 5 rep after until the weekly reset.
So I'm at renown level 15, I have the pick axe for the ice, and I do not have any dailies at Grimtusk's Hideaway. Instead I've unlocked a new daily in the Ohn'ahran Plains near where the Great Swog frog vendor is. So I have to ask, is there something that I'm missing to unlock Grimtusk's Hideaway or does that extra daily area change between the Azure Span and Ohn'ahran Plains?
How do I unlock their thing and is the reputation I’m getting without their progress bar unlocked going to apply to it after i unlock it?
I typed in Tuskarr Fishing Harpoon Guide and this video was top link. Why the fuck did i watch this video lol