Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide – Dragonflight World of Warcraft

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Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide showing you how to get reputation from Cooking Feast event and daily locations

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23 thoughts on “Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide – Dragonflight World of Warcraft”

  1. I just wanna add that you can actually buy a "Contract: Iskaara Tuskarr" from AH, that gives you a buff that lasts 7 days. It gives you 15 rep with the Tuskarr for every world quest you complete. This ofc also exists for the other factions. Def worth grabbing!

  2. The replenishment fish weeklys actually do give rep. It gives 100rep each and the one requiring the uncommon fish gives 200. They then give only 5 rep after until the weekly reset.

  3. So I'm at renown level 15, I have the pick axe for the ice, and I do not have any dailies at Grimtusk's Hideaway. Instead I've unlocked a new daily in the Ohn'ahran Plains near where the Great Swog frog vendor is. So I have to ask, is there something that I'm missing to unlock Grimtusk's Hideaway or does that extra daily area change between the Azure Span and Ohn'ahran Plains?


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