PR is real, and the launch state of World of Warcraft’s recent patches is eroding player confidence & sabotaging Blizzard’s content and marketing efforts.
Lovely video, but about tears of the kingdom being considered the best game is just… Look at how the Zelda community is talking about that game. They are not happy.
I hope that what these last few patches have been, is just a hold over for season 2 being just amazing. That’s what I’m hoping for. I hope that these last few patches have been crappy, because they are holding their guns for season 2.
You didnt even touch on trades and what a convoluted time gated currency driven gold draining shit show. None of it is fun. If i have to spend more time on 3rd party site to explain wtf to do, its bad, not to mention if you make a mistake you are punished with no respec options. Thes guys are blatant time wasters and are getting lazy with content, eg. time walking regurgitated content from past expansions.
This may be oversimplifying and just my opinion.. its like they are a golfer OR a really talented athelte that just is overthinking everything rather than just playing.
They are over thinking their execution rather than just building basic functions and content with common sense. Who cares.. break the game, if an implementation is OP who cares let the players have their fun and blast through content. That builds more sandbox gameplay and you find yourself doing the next thing. Lets not worry about pacing this late in a patch.
Chris Metzen said its time to come back. I came back. Nothing changed. Game still boring. Story still shit – I still feel like WoW is selling me a book and i only get to read 3 chapters at release and then have to wait 3 months for a new chapter to release, and then the end of the Add-on is gonna be a rushed mess anyways. I don't care about the Earthen, I cannot reasonably play through the old WoW content in retail. All of their old systems are busted, all of the new systems are developed for speedrunning fiends who demand excellence or leave your Mythic key alone. The social fabric of the MMO has been eroded even more with Delves (many people skipping m+ to get gear in delves, then hopping into m+ 8's directly and getting completly rekt by the difficulty spike). I joined a guild, progressed Heroic Nerub'Ar, cleared the raid within 6-7 weeks – it was painful, but rewarding and we got there in the end. These 2 months of progress felt fine and rewarding. As soon as the Guild decided to push for Mythic, It was painful and killing bosses like pulling teeth. Doing M+ for gear becomes a chore, instead of content. I hit that brick wall, and decided I really don't care enough to beat mythic Nerub'Ar to suffer through the M+ system and, quote, "getting better". The jump from a "good" player to a "great" player is too high, and WoW does nothing to teach you anything. it's all WoWhead, Icy-Veins, WoW Podcasts, Weakauras and Class Guides.
Before you could go "farming " myt+ with spare time. Now It Is Just a Nightmare. So you can't try to put your feet in a myt+ without being destroyed, but Hero content Is so facerollable. So people, the Major part, Just leave and come back with new content that feels poor or time gated. Then decide to freeze for a month or two. Make the game playable for everybody. Elities are Just on percent of your costumers!
The problem with WoW now is that these patches are treated like mini content expansions. Patches used to be bugfixes and maybe some random content that the devs had been working on – side content, not main progression. People would play the game because the world was immersive and they enjoyed logging in and doing content they've already done just because doing that content was fun. That content isn't fun anymore. WoW has long since lost it's immersiveness. That's why Vanilla does so well – it's still an immersive experience. So for retail, people are logging in just to do progression and then dipping out when there's no more progression because the world isn't enjoyable to just – be in – and hasn't in years and years.
"You can get the dinosaur as a mount, man, it's great,"
Yes, you probably only need to farm 900 pieces of dino parts that have a drop rate of 0.0000000000000001% per part from a single mob that 800 people are also trying to farm.
They're shooting themselves in the foot by giving us really cool places to see and explore, but trying to stretch it out for the whole patch cycle. It's good for players to take a break now and then; it keeps us from feeling burned out on the game. Just launch a patch with no time-gating. Players will drop off after they finish everything they want to do instead of dragging themselves back on for 30 minutes to half-remember the bit of content they did last week to do the next 30 minutes. But you've still got your MAU's without sacrificing the long-term health of both the game and your devs!
I've been saying it since they started the whole faster content cadence thing; give the devs like, one-two extra weeks. It gives time for excitement and interest to build back up for players, and gives time for devs to relax a little and not stress out, and polish the game!
6:00 I feel like this is the player's fault though. Like, you get a quest to go back inside the vault and find more tablets, and one of them is in Thrayir's room, and the ghost images show Thrayir atop Cyrce's shoulder, the Tablet literally talks about how Thrayir is recovering in stasis and how to release it, AND all of the runestones are clickable and tell the player what they need to have.
If players can't be bothered to read the bare-bones lore, if they can't be bothered to be curious about something that's right in front of them, that's their own damn fault. Enough handholding.
My biggest problem with TWW is that Blizzard is starting to time gate everything again, like they did in previously expansions.
In Dragonflight they dropped that behavior and you could do what you want without being heavily time gated, but blizzard have a tendency to backtrack to bad dessesions and now they are timegating again….
Really loved this format Mike. Reminds me of the “weekly” podcast with Matt. May I ask is that coming back? Just taking a break for Christmas / New years? Thanks for another amazing year to you and the team.
That’s an excellent point on the Oondonsta thing. World bosses were scary. Kazzak massacred thousands of players in cities. Emerald Dragons can wipe people unsuspecting of the breath. Doom Lord was always heard from Honor Hold nuking people out of the sky. Oondonsta was a dinosaur with a laser beam that just kept killing people. Then WoD. Giant dude in gorgrond. Dead in moments. Kazzak again! Soak fire and kill. Legion world bosses became soloable by 7.3. BFA bosses were also boring. These “world bosses” weren’t threatening anymore. Gather 5-10 people and nuke it down while casually watching a show.
Blizz just keeps recycling content like dungeons. For me it is just laziness. I pay to play new content and then see recycled dungeons. Recycled mounts just in different colors. I love finding a new mount with a mountspecial that is different than any of the others. Armor sets that look horrible compared to other games (especially Mail armor sets) just seems like poor imagination or designers. Blizz needs money they just recycle a mount and just change it's skin and put it in the blizz store.
God man crying about EEEEVERYTHING all I see people do about wow is CRY. No matter what Blizzard does it's wrong, why don't you play other games and forget about WoW? Oh yeah, you can't play other MMORPGs for more than 2 days without quitting forever. Stop thrashing on the game and on every fkin feature that comes out, if it's so much content to do then it's too grindy and not casual enough, if the content is easy and simple and not time consuming the game is too casual. Wtf do you people want?
This video has hit to the core of why I have been so hit and miss or on-again off-again with WoW since BfA…
Lovely video, but about tears of the kingdom being considered the best game is just… Look at how the Zelda community is talking about that game. They are not happy.
I hope that what these last few patches have been, is just a hold over for season 2 being just amazing. That’s what I’m hoping for. I hope that these last few patches have been crappy, because they are holding their guns for season 2.
You didnt even touch on trades and what a convoluted time gated currency driven gold draining shit show.
None of it is fun. If i have to spend more time on 3rd party site to explain wtf to do, its bad, not to mention if you make a mistake you are punished with no respec options.
Thes guys are blatant time wasters and are getting lazy with content, eg. time walking regurgitated content from past expansions.
This may be oversimplifying and just my opinion.. its like they are a golfer OR a really talented athelte that just is overthinking everything rather than just playing.
They are over thinking their execution rather than just building basic functions and content with common sense. Who cares.. break the game, if an implementation is OP who cares let the players have their fun and blast through content. That builds more sandbox gameplay and you find yourself doing the next thing. Lets not worry about pacing this late in a patch.
Not a normal video? yet this is one is also a "blizz bad, wow bad" video just like all your other videos
Chris Metzen said its time to come back.
I came back. Nothing changed.
Game still boring. Story still shit – I still feel like WoW is selling me a book and i only get to read 3 chapters at release and then have to wait 3 months for a new chapter to release, and then the end of the Add-on is gonna be a rushed mess anyways.
I don't care about the Earthen, I cannot reasonably play through the old WoW content in retail. All of their old systems are busted, all of the new systems are developed for speedrunning fiends who demand excellence or leave your Mythic key alone. The social fabric of the MMO has been eroded even more with Delves (many people skipping m+ to get gear in delves, then hopping into m+ 8's directly and getting completly rekt by the difficulty spike).
I joined a guild, progressed Heroic Nerub'Ar, cleared the raid within 6-7 weeks – it was painful, but rewarding and we got there in the end. These 2 months of progress felt fine and rewarding. As soon as the Guild decided to push for Mythic, It was painful and killing bosses like pulling teeth. Doing M+ for gear becomes a chore, instead of content. I hit that brick wall, and decided I really don't care enough to beat mythic Nerub'Ar to suffer through the M+ system and, quote, "getting better". The jump from a "good" player to a "great" player is too high, and WoW does nothing to teach you anything. it's all WoWhead, Icy-Veins, WoW Podcasts, Weakauras and Class Guides.
I love the pace of this video, I can actually hear you for once. Used to be like a news anchor hold a piss and shoveling headlines down your throat.
Before you could go "farming " myt+ with spare time. Now It Is Just a Nightmare. So you can't try to put your feet in a myt+ without being destroyed, but Hero content Is so facerollable. So people, the Major part, Just leave and come back with new content that feels poor or time gated. Then decide to freeze for a month or two. Make the game playable for everybody. Elities are Just on percent of your costumers!
The problem with WoW now is that these patches are treated like mini content expansions. Patches used to be bugfixes and maybe some random content that the devs had been working on – side content, not main progression. People would play the game because the world was immersive and they enjoyed logging in and doing content they've already done just because doing that content was fun. That content isn't fun anymore. WoW has long since lost it's immersiveness. That's why Vanilla does so well – it's still an immersive experience. So for retail, people are logging in just to do progression and then dipping out when there's no more progression because the world isn't enjoyable to just – be in – and hasn't in years and years.
You deserve what you allow
fuck the content, balance the game and bring back simple but fun classes like legion and bfa. wow has been dogshit since SL.
class balance has been nonexistent and M+ is killing the rest of wow.
double plus bad huh? l enjoy obscure references. it shouldn't be and it has become popular but people have no clue wheres its from.
the fact people still play WOW is funny as hell
"You can get the dinosaur as a mount, man, it's great,"
Yes, you probably only need to farm 900 pieces of dino parts that have a drop rate of 0.0000000000000001% per part from a single mob that 800 people are also trying to farm.
Honestly, I don't care about the loot since WoW became too much Titancraft and the Void Gods. Idc about the supposedly oh so cool stuff.
There is no justification for timegating, this is NOT a mobile game. I mean really now.
Siren Isle is less interesting than Korthia in every way. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Good job, guys!
Siren Isles is FUBAR, total waste of time…and the ring sucks Pudding.
I described 11.0.7 as Korthia if it chugged a bottle of glue.
I thought I was losing my mind though that was going on when I'd run Outfitter and it was like, "Noooo! don't get THAT ring! It's awful!"
They're shooting themselves in the foot by giving us really cool places to see and explore, but trying to stretch it out for the whole patch cycle. It's good for players to take a break now and then; it keeps us from feeling burned out on the game. Just launch a patch with no time-gating. Players will drop off after they finish everything they want to do instead of dragging themselves back on for 30 minutes to half-remember the bit of content they did last week to do the next 30 minutes. But you've still got your MAU's without sacrificing the long-term health of both the game and your devs!
I've been saying it since they started the whole faster content cadence thing; give the devs like, one-two extra weeks. It gives time for excitement and interest to build back up for players, and gives time for devs to relax a little and not stress out, and polish the game!
This 40ish minute spiel is based on the assumption that blizzard gives a fuck1
Your accent is so easy to listen to
I only play classic now, but when I check in on retail every year it is literally the same thing over and over.
I did indeed do chores to this video. 😂
6:00 I feel like this is the player's fault though. Like, you get a quest to go back inside the vault and find more tablets, and one of them is in Thrayir's room, and the ghost images show Thrayir atop Cyrce's shoulder, the Tablet literally talks about how Thrayir is recovering in stasis and how to release it, AND all of the runestones are clickable and tell the player what they need to have.
If players can't be bothered to read the bare-bones lore, if they can't be bothered to be curious about something that's right in front of them, that's their own damn fault. Enough handholding.
My biggest problem with TWW is that Blizzard is starting to time gate everything again, like they did in previously expansions.
In Dragonflight they dropped that behavior and you could do what you want without being heavily time gated, but blizzard have a tendency to backtrack to bad dessesions and now they are timegating again….
Literally a nomal video
I did some chores to this and appreciate your insight! Keep it up, team!
I appreciate the dialogue. Longer videos are great.
anytime there is time gating in a game its been worse off.
Really loved this format Mike. Reminds me of the “weekly” podcast with Matt. May I ask is that coming back? Just taking a break for Christmas / New years? Thanks for another amazing year to you and the team.
looks at teh relic azeroth necklace and void armor, then teh relic wepaon from legion. Hm, dejavu?
Cool video format. You should do more like this one.
That’s an excellent point on the Oondonsta thing. World bosses were scary. Kazzak massacred thousands of players in cities. Emerald Dragons can wipe people unsuspecting of the breath. Doom Lord was always heard from Honor Hold nuking people out of the sky. Oondonsta was a dinosaur with a laser beam that just kept killing people.
Then WoD. Giant dude in gorgrond. Dead in moments. Kazzak again! Soak fire and kill.
Legion world bosses became soloable by 7.3. BFA bosses were also boring. These “world bosses” weren’t threatening anymore. Gather 5-10 people and nuke it down while casually watching a show.
Blizz just keeps recycling content like dungeons. For me it is just laziness. I pay to play new content and then see recycled dungeons. Recycled mounts just in different colors. I love finding a new mount with a mountspecial that is different than any of the others. Armor sets that look horrible compared to other games (especially Mail armor sets) just seems like poor imagination or designers. Blizz needs money they just recycle a mount and just change it's skin and put it in the blizz store.
God man crying about EEEEVERYTHING all I see people do about wow is CRY. No matter what Blizzard does it's wrong, why don't you play other games and forget about WoW? Oh yeah, you can't play other MMORPGs for more than 2 days without quitting forever. Stop thrashing on the game and on every fkin feature that comes out, if it's so much content to do then it's too grindy and not casual enough, if the content is easy and simple and not time consuming the game is too casual. Wtf do you people want?
So… We need a ''Metzen'' back for every role?
They're not doing much better job lorewise Bellular, honestly I preferred Shadowlands lore to this soy-lore.
The map re-use in TOTK felt just as lazy as it did in Spiderman 2. Especially The Abyss.