Torghast is limited on launch? Disc Priest Nerfs & More [Shadowlands Update]

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In a recent interview, Ion shed some light on how certain systems will work in Shadowlands. I talk about my thoughts on the changes to Torghast, raid loot, and the recent disc priest nerfs. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:

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41 thoughts on “Torghast is limited on launch? Disc Priest Nerfs & More [Shadowlands Update]”

  1. As a Mythic raider i'm actually really happy about the changes from 5 to 3 pieces of loot per boss. In BFA, there was about a 90%+ chance what you looted was gonna be useless anyway due to corruptions, or best case scenario saved until you had time to sim it and gem it. With the removal of titanforging, corruptions, and bonus rolls, it means that gear will be a lot more important and have a much higher chance of being BiS straight from the boss. This is both gonna feel a lot better getting a BiS piece of loot, because it will actually be BiS. And due to that reason, if you still got 5 pieces of gear you would basically just run the raid a couple of times and be fully BiS geared.

    And also generally speaking i think you get good gear too easy in the game. I wouldn't mind if they significantly decreased the amount of loot people get, and as you said in the video, get rid of the weekly chest. I think the whole concept of a weekly chest is so anti MMO as it can possibly be.

    Nerf the healing all you want if you think it's too stong but WTF why damage?!?! It's already a pain in the ass killing mobs for quests why the fuck it should be even worse?! Why should i spec for another specs, i was always able to do questing in heal spec and it was fine but it's getting ridiculous how much they nerfed healers damage to the ground

  3. Rogue will always be meta because of their utility in M+ environment. Blind, Sap, Stealth & Group Stealth, Magic Immunity, Cheat Death. Its just too good lol

  4. Oof first time I have strongly disagreed with you. You want less raid loot, no bonus rolls and no weekly chest??? You can easily get no items for a good period of time then get the same item twice. I would straight up just quit the game. You say you don't want drip-fed, mobile game items, but that would be exactly that

  5. Don’t you think, it’s much better to give everyone loot if you kill a mythic boss for the very first time? You cannot trade it surely, but you got real reward for killing hard boss, not only useless achievement via text messages.

  6. the reason for these limitations is simple. they are afraid. they are afraid people will steamroll the content if they give you everything right away and you know what? they are right.
    I've been saying the game isn't ready, but it wouldn't be ready in a month either and they want to release it in 2020, which to me is a mistake. They have way too many systems within systems for this to go flawlessly or even remotely smooth.

  7. I'm still upset that while they do a good job to balance the covenants and you can't be best in all you do, I'm fine with that. NF is still the only option for resto druid and was entire alpha beta. This has not been adressed at all. At this moment I still need a second druid to enjoy my offspec

  8. I cleared all of lay 8 twice in 131 ilevel gear as a resto shaman. (i had all 150 gear and took off both trinkets). From a healers PoV i feel its to easy, i was a little disappointed. I did it 3 days ago.
    Now that its time gated i really feel like they should make it harder as we will have like 170 ilevel gear for layer 8..
    Visions where waaaay harder.


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