It's 2023. I Finally Played World of Warcraft.

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Happy New Year, everyone! Today, let me take you on a journey into the life of a budding Warlock eager for adventure in a new but familiar world. I wish you all the best in 2024, and more videos are on the way! Thank you all so much for your fun comments and support. 🙂

0:00 – Intro
0:40 – Part I: Into the Ether
3:20 – Part II: Brave New World
4:32 – Part III: Leveling
6:30 – Part IV: Runes
8:14 – Part V: PvP
9:28 – Part VI: Raiding
10:30 – Part VII: Flight Paths

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– FromSoftware’s Dark Souls II (2014-)
– “Home Alone” (1990)

Background Music:
– “Feralas,” “Elwynn Forest,” “Darkshore,” “Ashenvale,” “Tanaris,” and “Burning Steppes” from the WoW OST

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

#seasonofdiscovery #worldofwarcraft #wowclassic

Jediwarlock 2023


31 thoughts on “It's 2023. I Finally Played World of Warcraft.”

  1. Small tip you may not know, if you unequip your gear before you die you can save on equipment repairs. This really helps if you are exploring a high level area and know you are going to die a lot.

    Love your videos, and I am happy to see the channel growing. Keep it up, you're doing great! 😀

  2. I'm so glad youtube recommended your channel to me: your vids have reignited a sense of wonder and excitement about the world of azeroth itself, which I really appreciate after years of being burnt out on the "big stories" in the expacs. And your style of narration is, dare I say, very cozy and relaxing, which I appreciate immensely in otherwise stressful times. Thanks for 2023, and I'm looking forward to 2024! (Also, looking forward to content from other games, like lotro!)

  3. the mount about a minute of running to get to the raid but it takes a long time to get, so you would have to do the raid about 500 times for it to be a net positive on time saved. thats about 10 years of BFD every week.

  4. You know that .. getting the flightpoints are best done when the xp is unlocked.. so you get the exploration xp?
    As a night elf I always run and grab all FP's up to lvl 25-30 even some lvl 50 and gain 5 levels doing that. You just waisted a big chunk of exploration xp.
    And blizz said that it would be 25% harder to level up and yeah I can say that they didn't lie about that part, you need all the xp you can get.

  5. Im very happy you finally embraced WoW in its true form, which is sharing with strangers or friends, thats all its all about! I wouldnt even be playing SoD if my friends werent there like we were all these years (since 2006). Cheers.

  6. All wow players are a little weird in the normie society. You, Jediwarlock, are weird even among wow players. You're weird squared. Who plays this game on a wotlk client alone for 12 years?? You are ptobably completely unique in the world.

    And isn't jedi-warlock basically just a sith?


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