Shadowlands Class Changes Druid / Paladin / Shaman / Mage

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Shadowlands Class Changes Druid / Paladin / Shaman / Mage


28 thoughts on “Shadowlands Class Changes Druid / Paladin / Shaman / Mage”

  1. Dude…basically just reading patch notes and pretty much no camera eye contact makes this a snoozer. You seem knowledgeable but your content is like reading an encyclopedia

  2. I think it is worth mentioning for non native English speakers trying to learn the language that "casted" is not a word in modern English (though it could become one due to how many people seem to use it). Other then that thanks for another good video. I only wish feral would get some improvements as they are very much behind at the moment.

  3. Nice vid dude! Those are some spicy changes for Ret! Every time I think I have a main choice nailed down we get another update, this is going to be a hard choice! Cheers 🍻

  4. 2:03 thats why i reroll on my warrior in SL. i cant take this anymore with the nerfs for shaman. playing my class since 12years and this is the first time i am gonna play something different … will break a part from me bc i love my shaman but this is so stuipid…

  5. Ele lava surge nerfed by 33% from 15% procs to 10%. Even more if your counting what they had in BFA with IG they had 18% proc chance for lava surge which is now going to 10% proc chance.

  6. enhance Shaman is hard to balance cus of windfury..its a chance and its not rly good to work around that…if its weak…you dont feel it..if its one-shots people on proc. I thin they need to buff ms wapons to deal more dmg on 5 stacs with spells..and just overall buff to lightning bolt and crash lightning ….and we need 1 more defensive ability or passive..still..just an idea.

  7. My main is a restoration Druid, but I find guardian to be a pretty good Tank because of all their CC and the off global cool downs letting you mitigate damage at all times.. I’m probably missing something if so then sorry.. I really miss my Druid healing tree form. It had negatives and positives. You are slower yet it boost your healing. I also wish the would allow Druids to sacrifice bloom to stack 2 LB’s or sacrifice it to let you drop Lifebloom on your group.
    I wish we could go back to BC style dungeons. Where every pull if not CC’d correctly or a bad tank can wipe your group.. because teamwork was always more fun than mass pulling. Just lazy style imo.. I was doing 15+ mythic dungeons yet never become anymore fun.. these games are supposed to be about community and team play. Wish they could get back to that..


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