I've been using the WRONG Legendary :( // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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An error in the sims for Shadow Priests left us all using the wrong legendary for all of Shadowlands so far!


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33 thoughts on “I've been using the WRONG Legendary :( // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands”

  1. can't believe people actually thought the mind flay one was better. Mind flay is a filler ability that you will channel only for one second at most usually, there is no way it could beat a flat 60% damage increase

  2. Question for you, can you use the power infusion on another shadow priest with the same legendary, and you both reap the benefits of 25% haste for an added bonus of 50%?

  3. This was insanely obvious. Anyone that leveled up or PvP'ed as an actual shadow priest knows you rarely use mind flay as anything but a last resort when literally everything else is down as just a filler and even in those rare instances it is rarely channeled to completion. Talbadar's helps more in short fights in PvE and helps with burst windows in PvP more than Eternal Call. Not to mention that "a chance" is not very descriptive. Does that mean 1% or 4%??

    I made my Talbadar's rather than Eternal for those reasons a while back and never regretted it. This only confirms it. Thanks for the PSA!

  4. Bah feels bad. Deep down inside I knew the truth. I played spriest during legion for a bit and had the same exact issue with crit and mastery. I geared up for crit just to find out mastery was better, but this time all the guides told me crit and turns out it was mastery xD. I also crafted stratagem originally because it made the most sense, but then every guide was saying eternal call so this week I maxed out my eternal call just to find out at the end of the week that stratagem is better. Ggs xD

  5. Sims are only usefull to anyone IF they 1) understand all the parameters 2) those parameters have a overlap with their own playstyle.

    Best practice is to read all tooltips all the time and understand your own playstyle strenghts and weaknesses. Not "what you should be doing" but "what are you doing" and work from there.

    Credit for Nubkeks to just be open and honest without ego πŸ‘Œ

    Have a nice day all.

  6. My Spriest friend has been using this Leggo from the start and was adamant it was the better choice but never really looked into it.. hes gonna be happy to see he was right in this stubborn ways hah

  7. I made Talbadar's Stratagem as my first legendary, with Haste and Mastery in it, but afterwards spent all my Soul Ash on Eternal Call. I guess I'm going to have to spend the next few weeks upgrading it. It's a shame, because I was really looking forward to upgrading my Disc priest legendary.

  8. This is legit what I’ve been saying… You barely use ur feeler ability when void form is active so I don’t find Call of the Void legendary any good… Also it even barely proves when I’m doing my Mindsear/Mindflay. Though I think in Mythic+ it’s still useful since u use mindsear + searing nightmare a lot more. People just utilize Call of the void for the insanity regen since when u spawn 2-3 tendrils (very rarely I should add), you regen tons of insanity. BUT I still find a lot of value with the 60% damage increase, especially when it comes to bosses and raiding.

  9. I can so relate to this even though I play elemental shaman. It's not because the shaman community got it wrong, but for some reason I couldn't wait until Windspeakers and I blew 80k gold and 3k sould ash on the fire elemental legendary…

    only to realize that windspeakers is by far the number 1 basically no matter what (yeah on cleave fights skybreaker is ok but more boring) and by far the most fun one.

    So now I'm stuck with a 225 lego of the wrong power….


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