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Old hot’s trailer remastered , Kael’thas . New model and revendreth environment .Share , Like and SUBSCRIBE for more content !!!!!!!!!!!
0:46 where can I find that female choir "Lament of the Highborne" version?
It sounds……. WOW.
i wonder where is his father in the shadowlands… maybe in bastion? or in Sylvarden since high elves were still close to nature.
Salama ashal'anore!
selama ashal'anore is one of my favorite phrases in wow:)
Except Kael wasn't a Banthir…..
Justo incredible¡
I don't mean to brag but it really looks like a fan made sfm
Vegan KT: Salami, I shall ignore ye!
Dude, seriously, Blizzard should hire this guy to make their ingame cutscenes post production!
Vladimir Pentakill!
This video comes across as the introduction video to Kael'thas joining Smash.
Shit that looks like it should be a new challenger vid for smash brothers
Lorewise: 86%
Style: 100%
I would love to work with you by providing concept art.
even kael'thas is kicking bolvars ass
Jajajajaja ese remaster de HOTS
So… The lack of talent in scripts has led to fight (again) all the past mobs in the new expansion? It's a copy of Dragon Ball's journey, right!
Болвар не мог использовать лёд после потери короны -_-
This is awesome.
yay i KNEW you like hots
Ваня, че за фигня? Где ролик по ДК? Я сейчас патреон отменю!
Кстати, это напоминает трейлеры персонажей в героях шторма. Там так же противники обычно на нового героя шли и он их утюжил чем-нибудь) Получилось классно!
this cinematic is trash
For the memory of the blessed High Elves of Quel’Thalas, teachers of Mankind, guardians of the wards of Azeroth, co-founders of Dalaran and the Old Alliance. Their great contributions and martyrdom shall never be forgotten.
Wait does he fight here for sire???
так себе
Literally better than some official Blizzard cinematics.
Lich king is really weak in Hots xD
Thumbs down on this one. Game not even out.
Sylvanas Vs Tyrande
I wish blizzard would hire people like you and actually listened. You sir are amazing. Keep up the good work.
He is league of legends champ Vladimir
Kill them for Blood elfs!
I'd play that game
Doesn't anybody stay dead anymore? No point in pitying their demise then.