Keystone Master Requirements INCREASED & EVEN MORE Tier Set Changes | WoW Shadowlands

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Keystone master might take longer in 9.2, and we have even more tier set changes on the PTR
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Timestamps –
00:00 – Intro
00:23 – Tier set changes
02:27 – Warlock tier visuals changed again
03:48 – Keystone master achievement changes
05:16 – New ghost wolf forms
06:44 – Infinite augment rune


21 thoughts on “Keystone Master Requirements INCREASED & EVEN MORE Tier Set Changes | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Season 2 was so easy… yea i start season 2 wigh 225 ilvl (almost max in seaon 1) but for ksm in season 2 i didnt even have all dungeons on 15 tyranical and fortified some of them was just 14 on for and 15 on tyra and i had already 2000+ rating

  2. we usually dont get the infinite augment rune untill exalted, which takes awhile, some raiders dont even bother to get it, certainly not on all characters. so there will still be buyers for the normal rune. i certainly wont desperately try and dump my entire stock for peanuts before 9.2.

  3. The pointy Hood was better. Yes people History happened, some of it was bad, stop crying like insipid babies, who can't get over Associative properties in your brain.
    Edit: I Love the more sleak looking Ghost Wolf form, the other looks too Fox like and not enough Wolf like imo

  4. I would like to see for next expansion a visual update to all the Warlock primary Demon and a way to customize the colors of yiur Demons some how. I would also love the Felguard to be able to look like the ones from legion

  5. It feels like Blizzard has abandoned WoW. I don’t want all my game to be endless, boring, grinding. I want content. They could just let us purchase flying at max level and put in some quests that advance the story. Not cutscenes, quests that tell the story. Thats not a lot to ask for.

  6. The warlock tier set doesn't really look like a warlock set at all. The white with gold trim looks like a priest or paladin set. The primary color should be one of the warlock colors like purple or black and the horns don't look demonic enough.

  7. so they didn't make it "harder" they just increased the base amount for KSM due to the additional dungeons to the roster, which is logical progression. But hey lets overdramatize everything these days…. Glad that they moved away from the questionable design choice for a "pointy white hood" obviously someone was trolling there. Although it could have been altered by changing the color since who has ever imagined a thought where Warlocks are wearing white.. the bunny ears makes me think of Louise from bobs burgers.


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