Korthia – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Korthia, City of Secrets is an ancient realm of the Shadowlands that was long lost in the In-Between before being dragged into the Maw by the chains of the Jailer. Similar to Oribos, Korthia is inhabited by attendants but also its own strange creatures, and the area contains many mysteries and secrets of the First Ones. The Jailer is searching for these secrets in the hopes of finding the key to fulfill his twisted vision for the Shadowlands. Korthia was hidden away in the In-Between to hide things that the races of the Shadowlands didn’t want people like the Jailer to find.

Korthia was controlled by the Fatescribe Roh-Kalo and an Archivist who kept track of the records. The Archivist, currently Archivist Roh-Suir, wields a Lodestaff capable of locating any artifact, usually powered by the Netherstar. Korthia’s being stolen by the Jailer has torn the very fabric of the Shadowlands. Before the Primus was taken by the Jailer, he had entrusted his sigil to Korthia.

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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Korthia 1 and 2 themes are composed by Glenn Stafford
Korthia 3 music is composed by Glenn Stafford and Derek Duke

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Korthia locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Entrance from The Maw
0:02:10 Hope’s Ascent
0:06:28 Korthia (center)
0:11:32 Keeper’s Respite
0:15:46 Convenants
0:21:40 Scholar’s Den
0:26:39 Korthia (center)
0:30:05 Sanctuary of Guidance
0:35:35 Eastuary of Awakening
0:38:38 Windswept Aerie
0:41:54 Eastuary of Awakening
0:43:22 Seeker’s Quorum
0:48:13 Path of Understanding
0:49:57 Seeker’s Quorum
0:53:20 Vault of Secrets
0:59:00 Outro (Don’t click!!)

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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands


10 thoughts on “Korthia – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. Even though the most of the music is composed by Glenn Stafford, I notice great influences from Derek Duke. The music has become ambiental (for The Maw and this zone), but it's not a bad thing. It reminds me of the older style (before Legion) kind of tracks. Too bad that the gameplay is not mesmerizing like it used to be – because it would've made a great combination.

    I hope you'll enjoy. The zone is not the greatest, the grind is one of the worse in my opinion, but still, it's World of Warcraft. And as long as it exists, I'll try to make videos about it.

    Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links bellow), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.


    Shadowlands music & ambience playlist: http://tiny.cc/3p50xy

    All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist: http://tiny.cc/zti5wy

    Livestream with Music & Ambience: https://www.youtube.com/Meisio/live

    With love,


  2. I actually prefer ambient music like this compared to like Ardenweald for example. The main theme in that zone got boring real quick for me, because i feel like i only hear one melody in there all the time, "Melancholy Dream". There's no melody here, it's just atmospheric, i won't get bored of it, kinda like TBC zone music.

  3. While Korthia it's not as 'grand' as i hoped to be, (and on that note, i didnt expect for Tazavesh to look that magnificent), i do like how Korthia feels less dramatic and oppresive than the Maw, giving breathing room to the zone as a whole. The music is less bombastic and more environmental, like older WoW zones, so it feels relaxing in a way, and even though is technically a withered forest, the mere fact that it has plants and proper wild life does make it stand out from the rest of the Maw. So far, i cautionatelly like it.

    Thanks for the work, Meisio.!


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