World of Warcraft's Latest Changes Are Great

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26 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's Latest Changes Are Great”

  1. If you really look at it, it kind of makes sense why would they want to move Night Elf capital to Dragon Isles. Darkshore, even though its reclaimed, it is pretty much destroyed and plagued. Teldrassil is burned. The whole zone looks very bleak and not very much like a Night Elven zone should look. On the other hand, Dragon Isles is all lush and green in that area and big plus is they will now have the protection of dragons to keep the tree safe from any possible future incursion. It's a win win in my book. Only downside is that it's not somewhere in their ancestral lands, but Night Elves still have a large presence on Kalimdor so i think its fine. They have another World Tree over there and several zones under their control so its not like Horde is now claimed the entire continent

  2. Tried SOD, and was quickly reminded of one aspect I disliked: quest/mob money drops, and being broke due to skill training?

    …the whole cycle of building up some money, dinging the next level and it would be wiped out (or worse not have enough) after training new skills.

  3. can i skip Dragonflight and Shadowlands if I wanna prep for War within? I haven't played since Mid BFA and i don't wanna grind through two shitting expansions just to get up to date with War Within

  4. i hope the archives sends us around the world to pickup all the books in the game, items from dungeons, etc etc and get rewards for it. make use of your game blizzard!


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