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It’s last chance for Blizzard in terms of World of Warcraft and they cannot afford to have another flop like Shadowlands (or even BFA). With the recent addition of 100+ people to the development team, World of Warcraft Dragonflight has all the ingredients to avoid that. Sadly, we’re still waiting for a wow dragonflight beta start and time is running out even if they have a bigger talent pool.
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I think the best thing that could happen is a combat rehaul. The games still gorgeous and sounds and looks great, but the combat and such is littered with an over amount of information through addons and the like. You could disable addons, but then it’s a lack of information. Having an action oriented combat would be phenomenal
In my opinion shadowlands flopped hard as hell and blizzard is on t h i n ice, so i think if drahonflight also flops as hard or maybe even harder than shadowlands wow will die because we cant wait another 2-3 years playing a shit expansion to possibly get another shit expansion its just not gonna happen
Last chance every xpac…. people even preorder, xpac is shit, and it repeats
For me talents will make it or break it for me for DL. Shaman better be good. Or I'll be pissed.
This definitely is not Blizzard's last chance. Especially when they are on the verge of having endless money and financial backing from Microsoft.
Proud of your guys’ growth !! You deserve it! Great content great information and great format!
Why your every video title recently looks like a clickbait?
Marcelin specced into super TALENT: Sweat whilst sitting on a chair.
dont you wow players say this about every expansion and every patch?….lmao.
100% this is the last chance for blizzard to save WoW. If Dragonflight fails, it'll kill the game, another Shadowlands will decimate it, and people will just go to private servers or classic servers.
i dislike the game due to the boosting ads, its hard to have a normal player interaction without paying money/gold for progression
wow players come from different parts of the world and i used to make lots of new friends. Its not the same anymore
Last chance. Or what?
They’ll just put it on game pass and it would be huge. Again your in a bubble . few people care about the scandal. I think they’ll do okay but even if they didn’t the game won’t be ending anytime soon.
More solo content? Then why bother having a mmo?
I agree it's a last chance. WoW expansions are long: Two Years. That is far too long to expect people to put up with stuff they don't like. People will not do another Shadowlands with overly complicated systems, way too much grind and too many barriers to entry. I have hope now that I've seen the simplicity of Dragonflight and how they seem to be going back to their roots. 100+ more employees on board. I think they may have a slight comeback.
I support you guys not blizzard.
everyone has been saying the same thing for years though. "This is blizzards last chance." "This is the expansion to save WoW."
I wasn't happy with BFA. I PAID for Shadowlands, and never touched it.
I Won't be back to wow, but I have hope for the game because I have friends that are enslaved in the "it's gonna get better" sentiment.
Nothing will change with the game until their design philosophy changes. No borrowed power. Meaningful choice with your characters, allowing build diversity, and not being rail roaded into a certain build because of meta.
Actually rewarding you for your time rather than putting everything in, and watching it spiral down the toilet at the end of the expac.
they will have to do a lot to convince people after this diablo immortal release…
I just canceled my subscription 2 days ago, and I'm waiting for Dragonflight, cus it is not even playable anymore. I come home from work, and I want to relax, play some instances or BGs, guess what, I need to wait a lot. Forming group for mythic dungs to push keys is imba wasting time, unless it is big keys 20+. Waiting for tank like 30 minutes, and when U find one, first wipe group and boom, group falls apart and u spent 10 mins in dung, and 30 minutes waiting for it. Who wants to play game like that?
Do I need to even talk about trying to join for mythic dung key, for example u done 21 key, and U want to push for 22, 23, 24, and they don't want to invite you, cus ppl wants to be carried like hell. Nobody wanted to invite me to lvl 22 keys, when I had only lvl 21 key done of that dung, and I had to grind it by myself, wasting a lot of time, etc, but when I got to key lvl 26, suddenly every key lvl 22 I apply I get invited, literally every single one. I just did that experiment, to prove myself that people wants to be carried, they are like oh look this guy he done big keys, he will do insane dmg and he will help me to grind my key. That is insane, why people doesn't think like this, oh he done 20 lvl of key, he applies for my key lvl 21 he wants to push his score, he will do his best to make sure we time it. It literally drives me crazy.
And about getting new players to play wow? Bro, they are quitting after they reach max lvl of char, and when they see what they need to do to play game at optimum lvl, enjoying high content.
Solo content is very hard to get to high lvl in mmo games, but u can make something like LFG but like ranked system. Where u can push your rio with random guys that are the same skill lvl like you, for example you are 2K rio, and u will join with ppl who are in range of 2000-2500 mmr, and after that there is new title like Divine that is rank 2501-3000mmr , etc etc.
So when u play solo game, u can always hit that LFG button and get with random 4 random ppl same rio and u together push. Just like in Dota 2 and LoL games, u hit that search and pray 😀 Maybe people will not agree with me, but lately it is very hard to play and enjoy in wow 🙂
Well about wow maybe definitely a lot of people will leave wow if the new expansion isn't good but there are still really good and forward going blizzard games like ow and cod
I’ll say this, if EVERYTHING (except gear, gold, exp, items,) is not account bound I’m not playing. That includes currency, achievements, rep, titles and all.
I cannot wait to play my dragon heal. I have already saved so many names for it
Blizzard survived because of whales 😂
Bliz has gotten too PC and has lost its edginess. It shows in the new race.
I agree with you all on this blizzard has to make this expansion good or sub numbers will be way less than what is current. I hope the expansion is awesome I don't want to see wow die especially from it's own dev team. Fingers crossed it's a banger. Keep up the great work guys love your content.
Thank you for the talks about cakes and icings. 🙂
Now it is time to have a slice of cake.
Albeit imaginary for now.
It's world of warcrafts last chance of ever being mainstream again. Blizzard makes so much money that world of warcraft is pretty much nonrelevant compared to the king games like candy crush
Gloom and doom. Why not try and talk it up vs. tear it down?
I dont think Blizz will make the same mistake again. Even tho its not Microsoft backed yet they are going to want to make a bang for Microsoft going into 2023 and the deal closing.
no matter how it goes down, i'm just glad to be going back to Azeroth and never seeing The Maw again.
Conceptually choreghast wasnt all that bad… its just the execution, as a flexible dungeon with some intermediate gear, like a challenge, would be…. okay, problem was that with all the other nonsense already being pretty tilting tilting, that useless shit for ash every week… yeah
I really hope Dragonflight is great I don't want WoW to die. Its very special to me as it was my first MMO. I started playing when WotLK first came out and loved it.
I don’t understand why everyone is so critical about WoW. I started back at the start of TBC and still love it as much as I did back then. Not everything is amazing but sure as hell beats most the other games out there
As someone who has played, off and on, since the open Beta … I still don't know what would make an expansion "good". There are far too many players who all want different things. For example, I've hated all of the vertical progression systems, rep-gating, and stupid meta-games they've introduced in recent years. I want Blizzard to lean into what they do best: dungeons. Not more endless "grind" for stupid shit, or Torghast nonsense, etc. But, apparently, many people loved that crap. I haven't given Blizzard much time in recent years because the game went to shit … then the scandal … and now they want to somehow regenerate interest? That's an insanely tall order to fill, if only because the game has been in a downward spiral for over a decade.
The only game with 3 last chances in a row.
Shadowlands was an endless nightmare. As rdruid I get one shotted in pvp (playing 40 yards is boring) and in pve I dealed 0 dmg or very low compared to dps. When some classes had everything and so didn t need healer. Legion last patch was good. Btw i m 3kio ans 2k2 cr atm.
After playing Shadowlands you can't say anymore that BFA was a shit expansion.
I'm still waiting for Riot's MMO. They are making good games, not perfect, but good, with great lore and a great monetization system.
Every fucking expansion for WoW I'm excited AF but then I'm left disappointed. WoD, Legion, BFA, SL. When I look back now, BFA is now not so bad if compared to SL (for me). They are going with great ideas but never finishing them properly.
They just swallowed a studio with 100+ developers. I assume WoW is not going anywhere anytime soon, even if Dragonflight ends up being a complete dumpster fire.
actually, as far as pvp in mmorpgs goes, wow is the only decent place for pvp players to be… its combat system feels insanely good when compared to other options
BFA wasn't that bad. I felt the holes left by Artifact Weapons but as a whole it was fine. Shadowlands is the first expansion where I am actually bored. I log in to see if there are any quests that will fill an alts missing slot and that's pretty much it. Occasionally I log in to Moon Guard to level alts in Warmode for the heritage sets but really other than that, there's just nothing interesting to do.
"The last chance" again…🤣. You'll still have your audience should you change to other games. You're fun to watch. Don't be afraid if the game shits the bed for 3rd time in a row. Please, stay unbiased. Happy for your growth.
That clickbait tho..
Gentlemen im gonna be straight with you. The game will not get better.
Games unlike books and movies have progression locked behind a challenge. What wow has been doing for years and why the whole AAA and mobile market is trash is it is creating a game and then selling you or giving you as a catch-up a way to skip the progression. This is fundamentally the cancer that rots wow and many other games and it will not get better untill these companies start going bankrupt.
ITs that simple.
If theres boosts sold by blizzard or playerbase for money – the game is dying
If theres a catch up gear – the game is dying
If the game is "alt friendly" making one player have to do less work for a character than another just because he already played another character through – the game is dying.
If you can buy cheap materials or gold because of rampant boting – the game is dying
Any decision that blizzard made that undermines MERIT as the only true form of progression is KILLING THE GAME.
Right now WoW isnt a game anymore. Its a toy, Its colorful keys dangled in front of you. You dont even have to play, youl get catch up if you dont!