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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:10 An Impossible Foe
1:53 Thwarting the Twins
2:29 The God-Queen’s Fury
3:16 Feltotem’s Fall
4:01 Closing the Eye
5:04 The Highlord’s Return
6:06 End of the Risen Threat
8:42 Top Trinkets
9:29 Consumables Are Huge
10:06 Enchanting Help
10:52 Gearing That Helped Me
12:55 Recap
The recent mage tower content really brought me back to your channel. Great coverage and streams on it Dal-father.
generally having the MT as a challenge is nice, but all these special trinkets, enchants, gems etc. is just ridiculous! the fact, that you re weaker with 255ilvl BiS mythic raiding gear compared to some MoP, WoD, Legion cheese gear, legion/bfa enchants, flasks and bufffood etc… it's just dumb, i don't say current mythic gear should outshine everything else, but still balancing is extremely dumb…
MT is cool, but reward isn't worth the challenge.
7th recolor of the set from the Black Temple isn't something which I could call "satisfying reward"…
12/12 sets and Mount bro lestgo! Now time to chill out for a while, And wait for 9.2 hahaha
No dude the guardian is almost impossible without cheeseing it
The fact that according to data for azeroth less than 4% have gotten a single challenge says either people avoided it or spent a lot of time wiping with no success. I feel like while the top 5% might have liked it, the vast majority of players did not and it should probably be nerfed to be more accessible.
After all, just like in legion the tower got easier as the expansion wore on. It would be a bit fitting if it was nerfed when it came back in a few months
When is it gone? Jan 7th?
Trinket was the key for me to master this tower.