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Shadowlands Class Updates / Covenant Changes
Nooo was really looking forward to the abominations limb in pvp! Still good but it isn’t OP like I was looking forward to.
"I like bigger sticks" – Supatease, 2020
Is condemn actually stronger than execute for arms now
What do you think of Necrolord covenant for warlock in arenas? I'm really leaning towards them because of fantasy, and am afraid that they are going to be really subpar compared to preferred one Venthir covenant. I for one think that there is a great potential of decimating bolt and nightfall shadowbolt proc for arenas that for some reason everyone has neglected to mention?
Personally I think people are putting too much emphasis on Covenant Abilities and not paying enough attention to the soulbinds. I'm an Affliction Warlock and I will be going Venthyr, because their soulbinds, especially on Nadjia are the only ones that has synergy with the spec. People are making a massive mistake by only putting weight on the Covenant abilities. Just because the covenant that will have synergy with your spec got nerfed, doesn't mean that it won't still be good if your soulbinds also add to the synergy.
I want to be a Necro DK and I sure as f*ck will. The runic corruption added to it is nice to counter rune starvation, but the 4 seconds wait is sucky
Necrolord Dks unite
Im going Necrolord Death Knight regardless of the balance. I refuse to play night fae on my DK.
Just because you are night fae doesn't mean you're a tree hugger. You're focused on the balance of things between life and death. Venthyr doesn't make you a vampire wannabe, you're the type that thinks people should be punished for their crimes. Kyrian doesn't make you a goody two shoes, though it is probably more likely, but shows you care about justice. And necrolord doesn't make you a face roll undead lover, but someone who focuses on power for power's sake and wants to defend others with their might. The covenants have actual themes attached. People keep saying things like, I'm not a tree hugger on my DK, that doesn't make sense! But a DK who is focused on the balance of Life and Death, especially considering they are undead, makes complete sense. Maybe the DK wants to do some good after snapping out of the LK's control and this is a good opportunity for that. My priest could go Venthyr, not to sparkle in the daylight (haha) but because she feels that it is important to attone for sin to cleanse yourself. Just food for thought. My rogue despises undead, but admires the power of the Necrolord covenant, feeling most like a soldier rather than anyone concerned with balance or justice or punishment. And my Mage could go any of these, depending on which aspect he likes to focus on. Kinda leaning towards Night Fae, just because I like the zone and cosmetics best. I mean, all this being said, you could see those things youre saying about the covenants and thats it, but, personally, it feels like a sorely missed opportunity. Then again, I know some people don't care as much for RP, so do what makes you happiest. Just don't make your decision based on what others think of the covenant (unless, unfortunately, you have to select one because it is mathematically strongest, which will probably be stuck in a cycle of nerfs or being a must-pick even if you dont like it because blizz can't balance it)
Necrolord or Venthyr dk
Covenants are making me want to play less and less….
so basically blizzard is trying to make warlocks play with fairys
Thanks supa, love the fun > * style content as that's what really keeps you playing an MMO. Skipped BFA so super hyped to come back!
Blizzard's idea of balancing: When you have unworkable Covenant ability Soul Rot for Warlocks, they decide to nerf all the other Covenant abilities to get the shit one to shine, instead, they could rework the Soul Rot and fix the root cause. I made a joke about this kind of balancing road yesterday and now it actually happened. Damn I disapointed.
DK's Abomination Limb change was towards better direction, however, I am not sure if it still worth for PvE content (from DPS pov). The main problem is the mechanic which can ofc be okay for tank or when playing solo content, however, I do not think that party members like the idea of Frost/Unholy DK grapping mobs so they will loose their targets. This can have negative influence especially for tanks and other melee damage dealers. I think the base idea of this ability is cool, but the problem is that it is very hard to make it work and balanced for different scenarios.
Going thematically for each character. I just can't play for min/maxing anymore since I recently came back. It is too much like work.
I’m personally stoked to use small tomahawks on my Tauren warrior
Covenants is the dumbest thing blizzard ever came up with, and that tells allot..
As a gay, I support your stance on big sticks
i really hope that all covenant abilities sucks and be awful! so we can pick whatever we want and not be affected by borrowed power, lets go for all covenant abilities be BAD!
That page does not say it, but the Necrolords covenant ability for rogues (boned spike) has been heavily nerfed in it's damage.
if you are honestly thinking of picking your covenant based on what is 'best' you are part of the problem with world of warcraft.
Well I have to say this is some pretty insightful quality discussion, a sub has been earned.
Bonespike nerfed too ..
At this point im gonna be Necro Lord even if it is worse, i just cant do the night fae, im gonna do my dk 2nd though so i can do the threads of fate questing with him, i feel abom limb will be really fun to use while questing and leveling up
decided against DK as my main due to furry, going Monk instead
blizz boss: So how's shaman doing?
blizz dev: You're not gonna believe this,boss. they can sometimes kill people in pvp due to a bug with this covenant ability.
blizz boss: Inconcievable! you have to nerf all of their things!
Why someone would like smaller sticks? Have you not heard of Thunderfury, and with single minded fury.. that means… DOUBLE THUNDERFURY!!!
meta nerds get out your devices and recalculate….lol. and yet nothing was done about havoc demon hunters sinful brad 520% damage covenant just every thing else was nerfed…lol.
Blizzard needs to stop the bullshit and remove the covenant abilities, the soulbind conduit system, and the mission table. These abilities will never be balanced they will continue to buff and nerf them during the expansion.
In addition the level scaling needs to also be removed as well.
The wording of Abomination Limb is kind of vague. Do I get 3 bone shield charges every time it grips a new target for the first time, or do I get 3 bone charges only on the first grip and no more on the rest of the targets?
That makes a big difference at how big of a buff this is.
the warlock nerfs weren't just nerfs they were upwards of 50 percent to 80 percent damage reductions it's insane how bad they are now
The Keg Smash change actually BUFFED BrM AoE btw. It has sq rt dam reduction before this change, now it does full damage to 5 mobs and then the reduction begins. Overall increase in dam.
I am a DK, and I wanted to be necrolord 🙁 I mean come on, the whole zone is SKULLS AND BONES SMOrc
Serrated just got nerfed :/. And echoing buffed. Could be viable maybe
To go more in-depth on warlock, the 3 that were nerfed were not nerfed equally… Necro was nerfed to a point where the whole "Drain Soul" execute build is definitively dead. Demo is the only spec that might still see use from it now tbh and it's still a "trap" for destro (looks good, isn't). Venthyr was deleted from the game for no reason. Not kidding, it's on-hit was nerfed from 100% to 20% (lol) and it's DoT was nerfed by around 50%. This was the most egregious and unwarranted of the nerfs. Kyrian was barely nerfed at all and is in fact the best ability for both aff and destro (it already was for destro when played well, thanks to havoc cleave and being able to snipe 5 shards AND reset the CD). Soul Rot still sucks because Drain Life damage is dogshit with or without demise, and nerfing everything else =/= buffing this.
So yeah have fun with your angel locks, I'm just gonna main something else.
call it fairy DK if you want, I'm 11110% night fae, blue blue blue, best animations and models. Will play nightfae even if BLIZZ admits its shit. 😛
They need to fucking scrap these covenants shit. Easier to make an alt I stead of switching around. Going to have to have 1 char for pve and another for PvP and maybe another for mythics. Then you also have to grind torghast on all of them. I don't even want to play shad lands at this point.
A game should be fun. Not a job. I work all day and don't feel like coming home to work all eve too. If nothing else they need to make it so you can specc diff covenants depending on your specc. If not blizz can shove shad lands.
I mostly pvp with death knight and don't want to be a fairy lol. I was already a little skeptical about going necrolord, the pvp nerf makes me even more uncomfortable. If there is minimal benefit of going necrolord for pvp it makes even more sense to go fairy DK than before. Wrong direction IMO.
Night Fae Fairy Gnome Warrior!
would like to go necro for dk but venthir abilities look better… But no worries blizz has this ez balance
This is fake news. Resto shaman actually got buffed (riptide) and is much better healer now. PVP and PVE and PVP and PVE and PVP and PVE
If SMF works the same way it did in the past, you're going to auto attack and regen rage faster, meaning higher apm because you'll have more rage to use your abilities. It's not just an aesthetic thing. Whatever the case, I'm quitting warrior and playing priest in SLs because warriors have been essentially the same for a very long time and it gets boring.
Was hoping they released class covenant abilities from the covenant.
+1 for Night Fae fairy death knights