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Here’s wowhead’s guide to Legendaries:
Find soul ash costs here:
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I get that creating different or upgrading legendary should cost soul ash, but you should be allowed to reforge it with different stats and in different slot if you provide the mats. There should be no soul ash cost for that.
Maybe i missed it:
How many legendaries can i equip at once? Thx!
Don't forget that legendaries come with a sick mog, you might want to craft Shoulders/Head/Chest instead of something you can't see 🙂
Can you equip more than 1 legendary?
man i have gotten memory of a fel bombardment and at the bottom says that its burning wounds. wtf is going on?
If I buy a ilvl 210 base item can I still make a Rank 1 legendary from it or is it automatically Rank 2?
Great content, you cut straight to the point, you are very informative and concise. Subscribed! Keep up the good work!
it's dumb af there's no catch up for soul ash though. Just because I didn't have time to get into torghast yesterday means now I gotta wait a another whole week. stupid.
Guys, do you know if we can repeat Torghast to get the legendaries? Or they can just drop the first time we complete the layer?
Second video I saw of someone saying don't over stress or complicate getting your legendary. Second video that will fall on deaf ears because the WoW community is destined to ask streamers and content creators what is BiS and how they should play the game.
can y chance stats ?
Thanks! Very informative
Great videos! Anyone have the import for that weak auras? it s awesome!
Thanks for the vid, was so confused as to why there were multiple ilvl base items on the AH, and for the same price!
Hi Dratnos, if I used the wrong secondary stats missives at the start to craft a legendary, is there a way to correct this mistake?
Im unholy dk so theres not rly a choice but to wait
Nice video, Dratnos. Do you know if secondary stats can be changed when upgrading?
I'm a casual player. i'll make a Legendary and just pick whatever power i have available. I'm not anal about this game.
'Little bit of gold you save'…man I wish that were true lol. The mats are super expensive right now.
dude, stop fucking yelling "BUT" suddenly to the microfone.
I really hope they will give you Soul Ash from something else. Torghasts are the worst content I have seen in years. =(
Is it possible to upgrade from rank 1 to 4 (while skipping rank 2 and 3) in order to save money?
When are the world bosses coming?
Great video, just what I needed… you earned a sub.
Azerite neck still? Ewww
Got time gated from earning more soul ash :/ can’t craft it
very nice video, very informative and clear. Thank you! Thumbs up!
8 minutes of video and 1 min of actual info. Talented
so do i understand this correctly? Rank1 and Rank4 provide the same stats? no difference to Int/haste/ext?
I dont get it. Im dumb. Is this a legendary enchantment/rune or do you craft a real piece of equipment??
Yeah… GREAT. This explains nothing. Except to people who already know how it works. What the hell am I supposed to bring to this guy. I have 2 legendary items, but they dont show up anywhere.
just crafted my 1st legendary, hunter at 164 -> 166 with it equipped, chose the head with soulforge embers, i like that combo of tar trap and flare mechanic 😀 also it looks epic as F … dem horns, thanks for the tips dude 😀