Legion full soloing guide – Shadowlands (9.0)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

The aim of this guide is to help you solo all legion Mythic raids. It’s for all classes, not just hunters, as I explain the different strategies for each boss. I also make estimations of when any class will be able to solo them through brute force (and minimal strategy).

The inspiration for this video was Blizzard claiming we would be able to easily solo Legion Mythic raids at the end of the expansion (I’m assuming 9.3) and the wowhead comments mostly disagreeing.

So I did some investigations, trying to do the bosses with as many handicaps as I could (Marksmanship, no pet).
I had 220 ilvl gear.

After the introduction, you can skip to the conclusion for a summary, or check bosses that interest you.

You can also see the full runs (without commentary) in this playlist :

Timestamps :
00:00 : Intro
4:27 : Emerald Nightmare
Trial of Valor :
5:01 : Odyn
6:09 : Guarm
6:28 : Helya
Nighthold :
7:47 : First 9 bosses
8:24 : Gul’dan
Tomb of Sargeras :
10:06 : Goroth
11:44 : Demonic Inquisition
12:09 : Harjatan
12:49 : Mistress Sassz’ine
13:30 : Sisters of the Moon
14:04 : The Desolate Host
15:40 : Maiden of Vigilance
16:06 : Fallen Avatar
19:19 : Kil’jaeden
Antorus, the burning throne
24:05 : Garothi Worldbreaker
24:59 : Hounds of Sargeras
26:00 : Antoran High Command
26:50 : Portal Keeper Hasabel
27:20 : Eonar
37:55 : Imonar the Soulhunter
40:10 : Kin’garoth
41:14 : Varimathras
43:59 : The Coven of Shivarra
46:49 : Aggramar
52:44 : Argus the Unmaker
54:09 : Conclusion


8 thoughts on “Legion full soloing guide – Shadowlands (9.0)”

  1. 00:00 : Intro
    4:27​ : Emerald Nightmare
    Trial of Valor :
    5:01​ : Odyn
    6:09​ : Guarm
    6:28​ : Helya
    Nighthold :
    7:47​ : First 9 bosses
    8:24​ : Gul'dan
    Tomb of Sargeras :
    10:06​ : Goroth
    11:44​ : Demonic Inquisition
    12:09​ : Harjatan
    12:49​ : Mistress Sassz'ine
    13:30​ : Sisters of the Moon
    14:04​ : The Desolate Host
    15:40​ : Maiden of Vigilance
    16:06​ : Fallen Avatar
    19:19​ : Kil'jaeden
    Antorus, the burning throne
    24:05​ : Garothi Worldbreaker
    24:59​ : Hounds of Sargeras
    26:00​ : Antoran High Command
    26:50​ : Portal Keeper Hasabel
    27:20​ : Eonar
    37:55​ : Imonar the Soulhunter
    40:10​ : Kin'garoth
    41:14​ : Varimathras
    43:59​ : The Coven of Shivarra
    46:49​ : Aggramar
    52:44​ : Argus the Unmaker
    54:09​ : Conclusion

  2. As a hunter too, I encountered many of those forum morons who claimed Legion dungeons were not soloable, so i went in and solo'd them.. then of course they move the goalpost each time i proved them wrong, then i went ahead and proved them wrong again only for them to move the goalposts yet again..

    Unfortunately I had quickly determined that: 1. players are too stubborn to admit defeat and 2. most of the players crying that legion content isn't soloable, know it's soloable but are crying just to bash on Blizzard, because it's the popular thing to do (like/attention farming)

    I'm sure you have encountered this as well if you posted to the forums with even this video proof that it is completely soloable, players in denial or players who move the goalposts, i.e. saying you can't unless you are fully geared or some other stipulations when we both know gear or those other stipulations don't matter for most bosses.


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