Let's Play World of Warcraft CATACLYSM – Hunter Part 20 – Relaxing Immersive Gameplay Walkthrough

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In this series, we’ll level up as an Orc Hunter in World of Warcraft Classic’s CATACLYSM. We’ll be reading all the quests, and getting immersed in the adventure. The music and ambient sounds will be up, combat sounds low, and chill vibes in effect.

Professions: Skinning, Leatherworking, First Aid, Cooking, Fishing

Addons: Immersion, Questie, Bagnon, Leatrix Plus


5 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft CATACLYSM – Hunter Part 20 – Relaxing Immersive Gameplay Walkthrough”

  1. The intro to Ashenvalle might not have been bugged.
    You turned in parts (arrows) and the NPC told you to get the reigns of the kodo from the leader.
    A mount should have showed up in your bags after speaking with the leader.
    You were then to walk over to the kodo where you could mount him.
    I also thought my quest was bugged until I approached the kodo. The kodo in your bags dissappear when you mount the kodo.

  2. The glitches are really unfortunate. The end to the Mankrik storyline is supposed to have a really good one one one between him and the earthen ring shaman. I'm sorry you didn't get to see that.


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