Let's Play World of Warcraft Dragonflight – In 2024 – Fresh Start Paladin – Part 1 – Chill Gameplay February 19, 2024 by Robert Rambles Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg In this series, we’ll have a nice relaxing time leveling a Human Paladin through Old World zones in World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Expansion. source
come to think of it, my first retail toon was a paladin, my first classic toon was a paladin and my classic sod main toon is a paladin Reply
Awesome video! But I just can't get over how in retail wow the animations of running are so bouncy. Anyone else has this problem like me? Reply
There is something about pally spells and the sound they make when they hit that is superior to the other classes Reply
My favorite zone in wow retail to quest in, is grissly hill in. Northrend i think 😋 with my fury warrior. Have always become a warrior, when i think of starting a new toon 😊 and must say that is fun to watch your videos, so keep up the good work 😊😊 Reply
Yay the Pally is awesome in DF!
come to think of it, my first retail toon was a paladin, my first classic toon was a paladin and my classic sod main toon is a paladin
Looking forward to this DF playthrough
Awesome video! But I just can't get over how in retail wow the animations of running are so bouncy. Anyone else has this problem like me?
One went from warrior to mage to worse… Hunter!😅
There is something about pally spells and the sound they make when they hit that is superior to the other classes
i just came back to Df as a shammy in prep for TWW and its been alot of fun and very chill
My favorite zone in wow retail to quest in, is grissly hill in. Northrend i think 😋 with my fury warrior. Have always become a warrior, when i think of starting a new toon 😊 and must say that is fun to watch your videos, so keep up the good work 😊😊
Ol Blanchy is dead? Oh man😢
I get very nostalgic questing in Darkshore. Love that zone.