2V2 and 3V3 Healer PvP Tier lists 9.2 Season 3 Shadowlands (AND Meta Analysis)

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2V2 and 3V3 Healer PvP Tier lists 9.2 Season 3 Shadowlands (AND Meta Analysis)

0:00 Intro
0:50 Meta Analysis 2V2
4:42 Meta Analysis 3V3
6:35 2V2 Tier list
8:10 Disc Priest
10:25 Holy paladin
11:56 Holy Priest
14:01 Mistweaver Monks
15:55 Resto Druid
16:55 Resto Shaman
18:35 3V3 Tier list
18:53 Holy Priest
20:08 Disc Priest
21:10 Holy Paladin
22:50 Mistweaver monks
23:35 Resto Druid
25:10 Resto Shaman

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1 thought on “2V2 and 3V3 Healer PvP Tier lists 9.2 Season 3 Shadowlands (AND Meta Analysis)”

  1. Hi Guys thank you for watching this video, appreciate it and for sure let me know what you think about these tier lists.
    Nerf Holy priest damage and Ray of hope, buff the average / underperforming specs, make specs different from each other.


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