Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 5 – Chill Gameplay

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In this series, we’ll check out Turtle WoW as a High Elf Mage.
We’ll be reading the quests, and setting an immersive tone.


15 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 5 – Chill Gameplay”

  1. 44:00 interesting background info (and maybe story spoiler for the high elves):

    Before Alah'Thalas was this big city, there was a quest that had sent you to the humans, the dwarves, gnomes and the night elves to ask for support. Back then, the high elves started in Loch Modan at the elven outpost in the east. It was a really nice quest chain about being refugees and finding a new home.
    At the end, you had to convince the night elves to accept the silvermoon remnants. The night elves were sceptical but accepted and it ended with a little celebration.
    It's a shame that this quest is now gone, but on the other hand, the high elves now have their own beautiful starting zone.

  2. One thing I appreciate above others – he doesn't spam the mother trucking space to jump like a mad frog + camera movement is pretty smooth and allows to enjoy the scenery. Good job, man!

  3. You should check out the radio station (button on your mini map) – It's a pretty interesting in-universe radio. Lol. Also, Goblins cannot be shamans in this unfortunately.


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