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WoW Cinematic with Jailer shown at the end of WoW 9.2 Raid (Sepulcher of the First Ones) is the finale of Shadowlands expansion. Asmongold reacts to Jailer ending cinematic and shares his true opinion on Blizzard’s latest creation.
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Thanks to Carl69 & his guild “Cute Anime Girls” for slaying the evil Jailer and looting this epic cinematic… You can find Carl’s Twitch here:
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THEY CLAIMED they have been building this up for 20 years
Denathrius wasnt on his side back then. That's why
But he must have convinced him afterward, why dont we get to see that instead of another retarded cinematic ?
He didn't tell his plan to Sylvanas because she's mortal blablabla I get that but he must have told the truth to his brother ?
I would say that the whole Jailer story line was a lost…arc hehe
The intro helmet looks exactly like thanos.
The Player Character is the bad guy. Have been saying this for a long time now.
What did they want to do with the jailer even? He wanted to reshape reality into endless torment for all, but also wanted to have the cosmos not be divided for whoever is the bigger bad, and for some reason he knew this greater evil to come but never thought to bring it up? Did he not tell sylvanas about the evil to come and just told her "lol reality be evil and i wanna make it not evil" and she went along with it? Its all so confusing and seemingly pointless and self contradicting
He is talking about the faction war. If horde and ally are divided WOW will not survive
And so the jailor is revealed to be just like Shadowlands itself, a disguised mess of inorganic systems
This is the Warcraft equivalent to the Rise of Skywalker, but it's even worse since that wow cinematic is just YET ANOTHER "I'm the bad guy but I was doing it all to save the world actually, to protect us from the bad things comming".
Arthas did it, Illidan did it, Sargeras did it, Garosh did it, Sylvanas did it, and now the Jailor did it.
Its the same fucking lame trope of a story reused again and again and again and again.
My original disappointment was just a setback to my current disappointment.
This end is an utter whimper..
I gave up on wow lore long time ago, and looks like it was right decision. Imagine hyping this raid and telling everyone how it concludes 20 year of Warcraft story for 1 minute cinematic that doesn't conclude shit
wow pretty much be summed up like this "oh noes the orcs are coming" "oh noes the demons are coming" "oh noes the undead are coming" "oh noes the dragons are coming" "oh noes the sha are coming" "oh noes the orcs again" "oh noes the demons again" "oh noes the jailer is coming" "oh noes the voidlords are coming"
Just look at who works at Wow nowadays, only woke culture leaders, who only care about diversity and inclusion. There is no longer a team good at making games, just selling propaganda. They destroyed Arthas because he is a straight white man, but let's exalt the genocidal Sylvanas. The next exp is going to be horrible tbh, save my words.
Well, he did try to kill everything…. He could have gone a different way.
dc multivers lol
And so it was that the bad guy lost and nothing happened. The end.
They don't tell a story, they just tease with stupid questions. There's never a payoff. Sure would be nice if we knew what he did, and why he did it. I mean, I don't end up with much more understanding of what happened than I did in 9.0 apart from "He's afraid of something that the forces need to unite against" and "He had plans to use Azerite Power to help to rewrite the universe" The fact that he wanted to rewrite the cosmos isn't new, this was something that was kind of thrown at us without fanfare early.
They do all this shit backwards. They tell us all the answers, and the answers don't make any sense, and then they hint at the questions. LIke, dude, we already know what he's doing. Why not tell us something that makes sense as to why? In fact, why not flip it entirely. Maybe give us the big bad jailer to start with, and then start to let us players start to learn the things that scared the jailer in the first place. Let us see what this big scary force is, let us see the forces divided, let the players want to unite the forces to meet this threat, and then reveal that this is what the jailer wanted to do all along, but recognize that doing that means that all the players, all the world everything would be erased. Then you still have to fight, and it's kind of tragic because you recognize why he wanted to do it, but at the same time if you don't fight, your whole reality will be destroyed. That's cool.
Now we as the players know that this big bad threat is coming and we don't have any way to stop it, and the best idea so far was the Jailer's, but he was gonna blow everything up to do it, and we don't wanna get blown up.
Then I think about the rest of the world and I still don't know anything. Like what's up with Elune and the burning of Teldrassil? What's up with Night Warrior thing? What was even the point? What's the deal with the Gorm? Why were they such a big deal then ignored? What's the deal with the Devourers? What is Anima and Stygia? Where did the Brokers come from? Why are the brokers so mercantile and selfish? What's going on with the dreadlords and Denathrius? How did the Zovaal end up being the Arbiter? Who are the first ones? Why did they set all this shit up in the first place?
The thing is, the way they tell stories, I don't expect to get any of this answered in a satisfying way, because I had similar questions all through Legion and all through BfA as well. Like what's the deal with Helya? What about Odyn? What about Blood trolls? There's the whole G'huun thing. Why was the pantheon of order experimenting on old gods?
I think their whole story telling system is just like a bunch of pictures on a wall with strings pinning them together like a conspiracy theorist. They have ideas, but they don't know how to tell a story. So they just drop hints and try to get people to write speculation videos, and then when it's time, they just pick some of the unused pictures up off the wall and put them in a raid and have the players kill them without ever letting them know what the hell is going on. Maybe they just really want us to kill really "important" characters in every raid. But when you do that, they stop being important. We stop caring because there's so many you can't have us really give a damn about who they are. Like, even if we were going through three layers of the Jailer's minions that might be better for the story. You could spend 3 patches explaining to us what's really going on with the jailer. Instead we first get a story saying Denathrius is the big bad guy while we know the jailer is, but he's spookily still alive after we kill him, so look out for him again! And then Sylvanas is the big bad girl, and we kill her and she's back again but she's good sylvanas! And now the real Jailer fight, and we still don't know what he's up to except he wants to destroy the universe to save the universe and nobody will let us know why.
Soooooo…the Jailer is basically Wrathion but bigger?
The jailer was Mind controled by the next big boss we see, and that big boss guy is also being mind controled…. By GAMON! D:
Zovaal looks like a blizzard Employee being let go. SADGE
So he was going to remake the cosmos, presumably killing everything to make it, and that's so he can save the cosmos? He showed he was evil the entire time, with all the insidious shit he has done, like dominating people, creating legions to make the people on Azeroth into undead, etc.
Yet…. this cinematic makes it seem like his purpose was towards the greater good, but there are just such obvious conflicts / contradictions.
Ah yes, what we all expected but couldn't possibly have predicted: Zovaal is actually the good guy but we beat him in the middle of giving his ominous warning/motives so we still have no idea what the real threat is.
9,9/10 It could have used a little more "mind-control" and gaslighting the player base but otherwise another Blizzard masterpiece.