Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 7 – Chill Gameplay

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22 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 7 – Chill Gameplay”

  1. So turtle wow changed the leveling system up; yellows hit hard and oranges hit harder than yellows and red 1 shot dead. It’s really optimal to do green quests. You get xp from quests up to 10 levels from quests; so for example you’re level 16 and the quest is for level 9; you’ll still full xp up until you turn 20. 🙂

  2. Do you know when the video about population was made? At one point the server had a massive population of Chinese players that have now transferred off to a Turtle WoW CN server. The population was 10k plus and it was a bit of a nightmare to quest at certain times. Oh and when you've completed the mage quest you'll have access to the Helf trainer again. Not sure it's a bug or an addon issue but for some reason the quest stops you from training skills.

  3. I finally downloaded Turtle WoW yesterday, but haven't had much of a chance to play it yet. I will say this, one persons complaint may be another's praise. I like how hard the Blood Elf Ranger zone looks. You have to slowly work your way though and plan, and I like that. I want a challenge. Now keep in mind, I could feel different once I am playing that challenge lol.

  4. I found out about your channel probably a year ago doing some chill classic runs. I am incredibly hyped that you started on TWoW as I've been a player there for sometime now. I am also super glad that you're enjoying it! As you've said many times, its the Classic + that everyone hoped for, but never got with Blizzard.

    Anyhow, I hope you keep enjoying your run!!! The world of Azeroth beckons your name for further exploration!!! Keep up the serie! Its a pure joy to watch.

  5. One info for you real quick, quests only turn grey after they 25 Level. So a Level 25 Quest will stay green until Level 50, so you can plan this for when you want to Quest through an entire zone since green Quests yiel full xp.


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