Rob; in your mail box I’ve sent you a level 11 or 12 wand and some gold as a welcome to turtle wow! Hope it helps! Loving the series! Keep it up brother ❤
So turtle wow changed the leveling system up; yellows hit hard and oranges hit harder than yellows and red 1 shot dead. It’s really optimal to do green quests. You get xp from quests up to 10 levels from quests; so for example you’re level 16 and the quest is for level 9; you’ll still full xp up until you turn 20. 🙂
Do you know when the video about population was made? At one point the server had a massive population of Chinese players that have now transferred off to a Turtle WoW CN server. The population was 10k plus and it was a bit of a nightmare to quest at certain times. Oh and when you've completed the mage quest you'll have access to the Helf trainer again. Not sure it's a bug or an addon issue but for some reason the quest stops you from training skills.
I finally downloaded Turtle WoW yesterday, but haven't had much of a chance to play it yet. I will say this, one persons complaint may be another's praise. I like how hard the Blood Elf Ranger zone looks. You have to slowly work your way though and plan, and I like that. I want a challenge. Now keep in mind, I could feel different once I am playing that challenge lol.
I found out about your channel probably a year ago doing some chill classic runs. I am incredibly hyped that you started on TWoW as I've been a player there for sometime now. I am also super glad that you're enjoying it! As you've said many times, its the Classic + that everyone hoped for, but never got with Blizzard.
Anyhow, I hope you keep enjoying your run!!! The world of Azeroth beckons your name for further exploration!!! Keep up the serie! Its a pure joy to watch.
Farstrider Lodge was the starting place before Alah'Thalas. That's what the NPC in Stormwind was referencing. Maybe they should update that quest text.
If you haven't already I recommend downloading a patch called "Vanillafixes" It makes the game run a lot better. I got it last week and its been a game changer.
I'm SO confused. The thumbnail says that this video has a runtime of 2:23:22, while the actual video progress bar says it lasts 1:19:36. What the hell happened with youtube?
One info for you real quick, quests only turn grey after they 25 Level. So a Level 25 Quest will stay green until Level 50, so you can plan this for when you want to Quest through an entire zone since green Quests yiel full xp.
You don't need packages from players?
Rob; in your mail box I’ve sent you a level 11 or 12 wand and some gold as a welcome to turtle wow! Hope it helps! Loving the series! Keep it up brother ❤
So turtle wow changed the leveling system up; yellows hit hard and oranges hit harder than yellows and red 1 shot dead. It’s really optimal to do green quests. You get xp from quests up to 10 levels from quests; so for example you’re level 16 and the quest is for level 9; you’ll still full xp up until you turn 20. 🙂
Best server in 2024
Do you know when the video about population was made? At one point the server had a massive population of Chinese players that have now transferred off to a Turtle WoW CN server. The population was 10k plus and it was a bit of a nightmare to quest at certain times. Oh and when you've completed the mage quest you'll have access to the Helf trainer again. Not sure it's a bug or an addon issue but for some reason the quest stops you from training skills.
I wish I could play this on my M1 Mac…
Dude.!! Check your mail, the icon has been there for 3 episodes..!! New wand is needed, but loving this so far – more more more..!!
Why does he not check his mail?
Great Videos. My vote is to keep the health bars on. But I'm ok if they are off as well.
I finally downloaded Turtle WoW yesterday, but haven't had much of a chance to play it yet. I will say this, one persons complaint may be another's praise. I like how hard the Blood Elf Ranger zone looks. You have to slowly work your way though and plan, and I like that. I want a challenge. Now keep in mind, I could feel different once I am playing that challenge lol.
I found out about your channel probably a year ago doing some chill classic runs. I am incredibly hyped that you started on TWoW as I've been a player there for sometime now. I am also super glad that you're enjoying it! As you've said many times, its the Classic + that everyone hoped for, but never got with Blizzard.
Anyhow, I hope you keep enjoying your run!!! The world of Azeroth beckons your name for further exploration!!! Keep up the serie! Its a pure joy to watch.
After turning in your sheep quest you unlocked 2 more custom quests right next to the guy and also you walked just passed them at 35:07 !
Farstrider Lodge was the starting place before Alah'Thalas. That's what the NPC in Stormwind was referencing. Maybe they should update that quest text.
If you haven't already I recommend downloading a patch called "Vanillafixes" It makes the game run a lot better. I got it last week and its been a game changer.
Have you tried out the turtle wow „HD Project“ Addon? You‘ll have the latest character models and also for environment 🙂
I have several questions: how do you get to play this version ? You need wow and what else are the requirements ? Also is it free ? ❤
The wool question btw , it’s a quest that you donate wool and every time you do you get xp, it remains like that always
Ok. Just unsubscribed from Blizz.
Moving to Turtle
I'm SO confused. The thumbnail says that this video has a runtime of 2:23:22, while the actual video progress bar says it lasts 1:19:36. What the hell happened with youtube?
why are there no draeneis? ughhh
42:44 Lmao, the toon named "Druideka" is such a good pun.
One info for you real quick, quests only turn grey after they 25 Level. So a Level 25 Quest will stay green until Level 50, so you can plan this for when you want to Quest through an entire zone since green Quests yiel full xp.