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Hydra WotLK Classic Arena
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Editing by Danimal Media
Video Title: Is this Dalaran Sewer pipe move the new meta healing strat?
world of warcraft, wow, wow pvp, priest pvp, wow arena, AWC, disc priest pvp, holy priest pvp, wotlk, wrath, wrath of the lich king, tbc, the burning crusade, 3v3 arena, 2v2 arena, rmp, healing pvp, mage priest, pvp, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, frost mage disc priest, 2v2, Ziqo, disc priest pvp guide wotlk, 3.3.5, hunter disc 2v2, Hydra 8
oh woww
is this asmond?
That thumbnail made me look a few times. haha
Stop looking like Asmongold so you get more views
Wrath is exactly the same, almost 90% identical,, also its so clunky and outdated.
Strictly my opinion, i dont see wotlk beeing better at pvp, has more identity but thats kinda it.
U also have cd base damage here also
Strictly my opinion, wotlk is overhyped, has a lot of broken classes , and i also think the numbers where tuned diferently in comparasion with vanilla wotlk.
Also the miss/rezist should not ever be a thing in pvp- it involves 0 skill and ur loosing cuz of rng.
Sl pvp i tought was bad, wrath its a SL with 15% less burst and rezist/miss.
Truly overhyped expansion.
Ty for video, this time i just cant agree with you, wotlk pvp its a 6. Only class identity i agree is way better
What do you guys think happens after Season 8? I have no clue. :<
retail only for the people who are to slow for wrath , retail arena is like playing a chess match , in wrath u actually have to react and have reflexes
Agree with all of this except the end where Hydra says it's totally dead. Wrath classic is doing great. This is actually the moment to do a spin-off PVP game (whether fully separate or somehow integrated, like having PVE and PVP instanced modes so you still have the same character but game features/dynamics change). And then if they do the spin-off, this can evolve into WoW 2, which would be competitive. Look at how many MMOs have tried and failed to be the "wow killer". I guess what I'm saying is there is a business rationale to take wrath classic's success and get creative with it. But no one at Blizz is actually smart so none of this will ever happen.
this is so sad
Well said o/
Even to a casual viewer they will never appreciate the nuance of deathing a blind
Really well put I’ve always thought that , a lot of people have played wow before, imagine how many more would’ve if they focused hard on pvp like adding more maps not needing to level all the way up/grind PvE to PvP on some servers maybe. If they did some things like this that highlight how fun wow pvp is at max level it could’ve of been widely more popular
Truth has been spoken. But tbh if they delete retail and just remake the game from wotlk, there is still a chance of comeback. Lets be honest modern graphics and wotlk gameplay will kill any other mmo. The worst part of wow though is that every expantion just completely changes the class instead of fixing the existing issues and keeping everything as it is. Thats from where balancing issues come (not speaking about what they actually did with classes that makes me want to throw up). And if you first balance pvp and than pve (as its a fucking mob with prescripted shit) everything will be ok. Kinda make pve more like pvp encounters with cross cc interupts dispels and so on (like give a small brain to the mobs, and make them into classes of their own ).
I've always said that I don't like WoW I like arenas – if there was a standalone pvp-centric version of wow without all the grindy mmo stuff where I could just queue I wouldn't ever unsub.
fax bruh
Completely agree. I also feel like Classic (Vanilla) WoW's wargame battlegrounds had all the right ingredients for the same high-level gameplay and competition. It's a shame there just isn't the interest due lack of developer support.
Nice man, really good description.
Yoo the death-a-blind animation it's and stuff is sooo good
I am a pvper so each expansion I jump on, grind out to max level and then start pumping Bgs to get my gear then do arena.
Since WOD i feel like pvp is just button smashing and amazing effects, but nothing is really happening like it feels like there is no weight to my abilities. As a feral main on retail and wrath in wrath im shred bursting like crazy and with bloods stacked, savage roar up and shredding my pressure outside of berserk is immense. If I have berserker up then I either kill or almost kill my target every time.
In retail I go in and I am button smashing and using like 3-4 other abilities and people are running around the map like crazy because every class is insanely mobile and I am button smashing my targets but feel like im doing no damage and when I am doing damage every class has self healing so they heal it back every time anyway and I am waiting on my convoke cooldown or waiting for a gateway for my convoke and pop that, if the target does not die then its another 3 minutes for my convoke.
Rated bg would have been a much better choice for wow esport. Unfortunately, wow arena came first. Bg objective are easy to understand and fix the biggest flaw of arena which is class balance.
Maybe I'm in a super minority here, but if Arena had a sortof barebones mode with no addons and HUD limited if not gone aswell. To me without addons keeping track of everything the contest of skill would be night and day.
The idea comes from having my cat loving to get in front of the screen to compete for attention.
Everyone has that one character they could easily play blind.
Having to memorize and learn all the different spell sounds/animations.
One example, even though a paladin heal SOUNDS the same, you'd know it's only flash if its casted quickly. But what if it's a holy and thats not actually flash of light and its fast Holy light?
Or say a priest, did they use their CC breaker cooldown? Or was it just dispel magic? well if a druid roots you, that doesn't need the CC breaker.
I know I'm not the only one who would enjoy competing with nothing but our expirence and wits.
I don't play arena right now cause it looks so solved that if I just jumped into it I'd be griefing.
If the rewards were not quite deadly i lvl but still higher than hateful and savage.
Idk maybe this is just a long justification for why I won't sack up and learn the meta, yes I cannot deny that is part of it.
I feel like alot of talented players avoid arena cause having an entire part of the UI do that thinking for you does make senses. You want to automate as much thinking as you can so you have brainpower for strategy and reactions.
I'm going im circles, but I think they should try it. Hell it could be 1v1 only or something to avoid players brains exploding.
I'd love to go toe to toe with players that want a more visceral competition.
Idk this game was created like any other game, to be enjoyed. And if you like regular arena, good its nice to have things in life you enjoy.
I'm just someone who wants to play Arena but hates how solved it is. Sure barebones would still be intense. But you may be able to win against a stronger class by being able to keep track of themselves and the other player.
Totally agree with you but you should rename the video " State of World of Warcraft for a High End PvP/Arena Player".
There isnt a single casual PvP player in Wrath because the game isnt fun for them and community is too elitist.
The barrier to entry with min-maxing is also awful for 99% of the population.
At the end of the day, MMORPG arent comeptitive games, and i know you've played League of Legends at a decent level for quite some time so you get my PoV.
Everyone and everything can be competitive in life, there are even competition of people throwing their phone as far as possible with yearly championship… does this mean we have to design phone around getting thrown ?
Same logic apply to MMORPG, they dont have to change the design toward competitive play, because it is not competitive from the beginning.
Arent you in the wrongs trying to make a non competitive game, cater to your competitive itch and feelings ?
Again, i totally agree with you when it comes to gameplay, but people who actually care about arena, gameplay and pushing their rating is at best 3% of the game population (i would personnaly say not even 1% but hey, i'm gentle today) , why would blizzard do anything for them 😮
The only way people would actually accept and see WoW as a competitive game, is if you delete the leveling process and you give everything instantly whenever you launch the game (Like og tournament realm like you said), but then if you do that, it's not an mmorpg anymore it's just a 3d action combat game which doesn't appeal to a lot of people (I know you also played Battlerite and the game is dead because of his competitivness).
World of Warcraft has its unique advantage over the arena-styled games like League of Legends in being a full world, with stories, memories and persistent matter. What Blizzard should have done is embraced that aspect, even for a PvP-setting. Do not fasten the leveling-process in any way, let new players experience the full difficulty and hardships of the world so they get to look in wonder at the fully-leveled gods.
We live in a world spinning too fast, don't cater to that crowd by speeding everything up and making it simpler as to avoid people having to stop to think, take in the scenery and remember a quest-text. Being impatient should not have been rewarded, addons – the semi-integration of a third-party element meaning everyone is playing a somewhat different game – is the historical mistake, and for every conceivable reason is banned within competitive PvP.
There should be no separation between a casual player and the pro – they should exist within the same world, on the same server. And most importantly – characters should only exist on one server. There will be varying gear in tournaments due to different raid-drops, and that is a skill-set in and on itself to adapt to, but there should not be a sterile, alternate universe (aka tournament server) where the perfect gear is always so to make it a perfect playing-field.
That does not entice the average player, the most obvious spectator, as he or she can't recognize themselves in it. If they could see Hydramist, the good priest they ran Deadmines with, compete with that very same character that would create a legend they would follow and cheer for.
It should not be a right to have 5 rogues easily-leveled to have a better chance of getting as close to 100% BiS as possible. "Hydrafive" take away from the world-building, forcing pros to choose either to spend months leveling or being with one character adds flavour, mastery and identity to the game.
"Oh, look Hydra is running the Naxx-wand because he did not get the drop last night, he will be at a disadvantage over Hozito who got the drop" is enticing, frustrating to be the receiver of of course, but every player can relate to the experience. And see your hardships. But complaining about GCD's, trinkets and pedantic mechanics – there is no crowd for it, there is only the initiated few and Arena will remain just this obscure thing most people ignore if they can't see a dream-version of themselves but something Blizzard-supported and gear-doped.
trash take from a trash rat
5:00 HotS was far from crap, switching to it from League was a fantastic decision. I've never had a more fun time in a MOBA game, playing at the highest ranks. Over the next years, eventually, 10-20 of my friends who ALL were skeptical to the game (and already playing League) started playing. One by one, they all ended up playing 500+ to 1000s of games during the next 2 years, and some nights we had 10-12 people who wanted to play together, while on League it was usually 4-5 people.
You're right that it wasn't perfect from an esports standpoint. Blizzard just made tons of mistakes (as usual) by having a bad monetization system, and game elements that could be expanded/improved on to make it even more appealing, and to compete against the other MOBAs. Instead they just decided to scrap it instead of trying to fix stuff, as they've done countless times with WoW too.
what is the addon name that show your gs on items like on character panel pls i will be so thankful
I'm just hoping the Riot MMO will be the new home. Wow just fucked me so many times I'm done for good
Honestly, I think retail would be a better game if it didn't have to pander to arena. I think a lot of the unfun gameplay in pvp stems from having to design classes in a way that makes them work in a 3v3 environment. Balancing around bgs and world content would be better for viewership (objective based gameplay) and for the players (easier class balancing and design). BGs are much more similar to mythic plus and raids than they are to arena, making it easier to balance.
Absolutely spot on about everything.
think this video is a bit of copium, as much as i love playing Classic WoW, WoW has never and imho never will be a good spectator sport. Viewing experience is just too messy
Hydra feeling Wotlk old days again! 🔥
Kinda pathetic that a billion dollar company couldn't figure this shit out. And yet all the morons at the top still make insane bank anyway.
Wotlk stinks rofl the relativism cope is unreal, give it 3 months
my dude is missing old AT server!!!!
actually based take
This is such a great idea. Hope they do something like this.
this is the fkin truth. this vid should be watched by game developers
dude this thumbnail was gold, give ur editor a summer bonus