Let's Play World Of Warcraft, Shadowlands #6: This Is The Way!

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Exploring Oribos, meeting new people, taking care of business and then opening a portal to a new and distant land. This is the way!

Grundorn the noble, but savage, paladin is back. This time we’re stepping away from the mortal plane and going to the realm beyond the veil in a desperate attempt to stop Sylvanus from destroying the entire known world!

#WorldOfWarcraft #WoW #Shadowlands #MMO #Gaming

We now have a guild in World of Warcraft called Frith Guardians! If you’d like to be a part of this, you need a character on the EU region servers, on the Terenas realm. Unfortunately the game does NOT support cross region play, so if you’re on US or Asian servers you won’t be able to join. To get an invitation to the guild, join the chat channel below, then we can see about inviting you. I play socially at the weekends, so I look forward to seeing you in game!

We also have a community chat channel in game, to join you need to copy and paste this code, without quotation marks “7JglbkCey0”, into the pop up box in the community chat channels section. You access this screen by pressing J on your keyboard in game and selecting the appropriate tab. You’ll also need to be on the EU servers to join.

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Affiliations! (Disclaimer: I get a commission for any sales made through these links)

Check out Fanatical for thousands of games at fantastic prices, you can get Steam keys cheaper than on Steam itself! https://www.fanatical.com?ref=frithgar
Use the code FRITHGAR5 for an extra 5% off, excludes bundles, Star Deals, pre-orders and some new releases.

If you’d like cheap and reliable gaming servers, including Farming Simulator, Minecraft, Ark Survival and more, then check out Nitrado Gaming Servers https://nitra.do/Frithgar

Episode #5 https://youtu.be/rYM3yZpNu_8

If you’d like to become a part of the community outside of YouTube then join our Discord server, details found here https://youtu.be/FA5gTllcAaU

For the full and up to date upload schedule, please see the pinned post on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Frithgar/

For details about the Great Book Of Names as well as the upload schedule please check the website https://www.frithgar.com/

Find the game here

About the game
What lies beyond the world you know? The Shadowlands, resting place for every mortal soul—virtuous or vile—that has ever lived. Journey beyond the veil, discover five otherworldly realms of wonder and horror, gain incredible powers — and save Azeroth from all-consuming darkness.

For the full list of highlights, and a quick recap on the long and complex history of Azeroth, head over here and find out all that’s happened in the past! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/story/timeline

The Loot Lair for all your tabletop gaming needs!
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My video style is a little different to most, I pre-record my videos up to three weeks in advance, then portion them out thirty minutes per episode. This is because my wife has Multiple Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis, Cardiomyopathy, Thyroid problems and Kidney trouble. Caring for her will always come first so I always make sure I’ve got a couple of weeks of videos prepared in case she needs me full time. We also have an autistic son who requires a lot of extra care, so recording videos one at a time just a day or two in advance isn’t something I can do.

Please note, this is a family channel and therefore we have a no swearing policy. YouTube filters out comments that contain potentially inappropriate language so that they can be reviewed. Thank you for your understanding.


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