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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
I had a run in with DEHTA when I quested in the tundra, was trying to get chilled meat for a quest and got too close to their camp. They chased me down lol
GG on your first BG victory
Gtz Dingos! Nice win
You probaly already know this by now since you are on episode 64 (and I am not caught up yet) but your pet has a spell called "growl" which can be put on your action bar from the spellbook. you can turn it off & on to keep aggro on him (or not). Useful in dungeons where the tank needs to keep aggro or when you're gonna die & you don't want aggro on you, etc. Also, the website "petopia" lists which pets have bonus or special spells to help cater to Bgs vs. pve, etc. There's also 3 specs for pets: cunning, ferocity, tenacity to use pets in diff situations (pve vs pvp, etc.) Pets used to be able to be used to tank a boss but Blizz nerfed pets and they die quicker these days. I love hunters! So glad that you are leveling in NR (my fav expansion) and also doing BGs in between quests. This series is reallly fun to watch! I'm loving the journey!
You have mend pet on your pet utility
Click on paw look up for another paw it is mend pet