Let's Play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (Necrotic Wake – Mythic + 15 – Timed)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! Today we are going push ourselves a little bit! We are heading into Necrotic Wake at a +15 difficulty. We are also using the hunter instead of the druid, so a decent bit lower ilvl. We have only ever done a single +15 before, and that was with the druid.

In all fairness we have someone tanking for us, that pushes keys a lot and has it all figured out! All in all it was a great run. We had one sticky situation that cost us valuable time, when we tried to sneak past a particular group of mobs. In the end we finished with a whole 3 seconds left. Hey, it was still enough to upgrade the key and get a solid score! I definitely look forward to more massive keys! The hunter is a game changer on enjoying group content. Not having to be right up in the middle of everything in most situations is super helpful.

Thank you and have a great day!


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