Worgen – Music & Ambience – World of Warcraft

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Long ago, amid a brutal war between the night elves and the demonic satyrs in Kalimdor, a group of druids practiced the ability to transform into a powerful yet unwieldy form that embodied the fury of the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn. Taught by Ralaar Fangfire, these Druids of the Pack sought to use the Scythe of Elune, a mystical artifact, to temper the uncontrollable rage inherent in their chosen form.

Rather than abate the druids’ fury, however, the Scythe transformed Ralaar and his followers into worgen: bestial humanoids enslaved by their own primal instincts.

Ralaar’s druids tore through friend and foe alike. Night elves wounded by the beasts contracted a virulent curse that turned them into worgen as well. Desperate to staunch the affliction’s spread, Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage banished the worgen to a part of the Emerald Dream—Azeroth’s spirit world—where they would be in peaceful slumber for all eternity.

The worgen threat was contained for millennia, until Archmage Arugal pulled the wolf-beasts from the Dream. Summoned by order of King Genn Greymane, the worgen battled Scourge forces encroaching on the kingdom of Gilneas. Yet the feral creatures soon spread their curse throughout the human population, infecting Gilnean soldiers stationed beyond the Greymane Wall.

The night elves, feeling responsible for the creation of the curse and the destruction it caused, agreed to help the Gilneans. With the Scythe of Elune, the night elves could not permanently cure the affliction, but managed to teach the Gilneans how to control their curse; shapeshifting at will from human to worgen, and back again. Now, these self-disciplined worgen have rejoined the Alliance as powerful allies, prepared to fight to keep their humanity and their place in society.

Text above was taken from an old racial description page of the official website. An updated version of the page can be found here: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/races/worgen

For a deeper dive into Warcraft lore and more information about the ferocious worgen check out this Wowpedia page: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Worgen

Original thumbnail artwork by Wei Wang (main piece) and Samwise Didier (crest)

Music composed by Russell Brower (Alliance Hero, Cataclysm, Gilneas Event, Rift, Scarred, Shadows) and Neal Acree (Shadowglen, Winterspring)

Editor’s note: despite the fact that Shadowglen was part of Teldrassil, night elves players’ starting zone, these tracks never actually play there. Instead, this music serves as the main theme for the town of Darkshire and the greater Duskwood area, an important part of worgen history. Night elves are closely tied to the people of Gilneas and they already have enough dedicated music to fill a four hour long mix. Addition of two Winterspring tracks has the same reasoning minus the lore. Honestly, I just like the way it sounds and I think the elves wouldn’t mind sharing.

0:00 Alliance Hero
3:16 Shadows 1, Rift 2
5:47 Cataclysm 1, Shadowglen 2
8:31 Gilneas Event 1, 2, 4
11:12 Cataclysm 5
12:24 Winterspring 3, 4
14:33 Cataclysm 3, Scarred 1
16:50 Shadows 5, Rift 1
19:20 Shadowglen 3
21:13 Cataclysm 6
22:02 Gilneas Event 2, Cataclysm 2
23:19 Scarred 4, Shadows 2, 3
25:27 Gilneas Event 4, 1, Cataclysm 5
28:49 Gilneas Event 3, Cataclysm 4
31:06 Rift 3, Shadowglen 1
33:05 Winterspring 3, 4
35:14 Scarred 2, 3, Cataclysm 1
37:36 Cataclysm 6
38:25 Gilneas Event 2, Rift 2
39:51 Scarred 1, Shadowglen 3
42:39 Shadows 4
43:50 Gilneas Event 1, Cataclysm 5

#WorldofWarcraft #Worgen #RussellBrower

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33 thoughts on “Worgen – Music & Ambience – World of Warcraft”

  1. "I have feared that to truly know my countrymen, I would need to bear their curse. But I was mistaken. Our people are not merely worgen. We are Gilnean, as we always have been, and always will be, cursed or not." — Princess Tess Greymane

  2. I'm so glad to see you're back at this. I listen to your videos all the time not just as background sounds for when I'm working from home but also in my d&d games, planning sessions, and sometimes jut to relax lol. I've probably listened to Draenai Ambience a hundred times!

  3. Im obsessed with Gilneas/Worgen music. I had this on my phone for years <3 and I listen to it very often <3 WoW music is life
    Sadly,since the departure of Russell Brower, it doesn't feel as good …..

  4. My first ever “main” in wow was a Worgen warrior back when Cata first came out, this music brings back so many happy memories, I get that warm feeling in my chest like when I’m thinking of my childhood. What a game ❤😊


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