Let's Play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (World quests in Ardenweald, The Maw, and Bastion)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! In the first video of the day we are going to be working on our daily world quests. We start out in Ardenweald today, and everything is pretty straight forward here. These quests are all really easy at this point. After we finish up here we head off to The Maw. The goal here is, as always, to earn Ve’nari reputation. We are getting closer to the end of this journey, but it still seems like it is so far away. Everything goes good here, with the exception of getting overwhelmed on Agonix. This was just a problem of drawing in a bunch of adds from somewhere, I believe I saw another player run through and dump stuff on us, which stinks. We did track down Iksar, who is a snake dragon type thing that flies around the outside of The Maw. This fight went really well, but I think it would have been a totally different story if we had not drawn in some help at the end. We didn’t get any amazing treasures from him, but I just like killing the elite rares as you already know. After finishing up in The Maw, we head to Revendreth to complete some world quests there. We do get trounced by a named bear in one area, and it was not even close. Other than that embarrassment, everything went as could be expected.

Be sure to check out second video late this evening, when we head back into Castle Nahtria on normal difficulty.

Thank you and have a great day!


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