Let's Play WoW – SHADOWLANDS – New Character Leveling 1 to 60 – Part 4 – Gameplay Walkthrough

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

In this playthrough, we’ll take a human hunter from level 1 to level 60 in Retail World of Warcraft. We’ll be starting with Exile’s Reach for levels 1-10, and doing levels 10 – 50 in Battle for Azeroth content, as a player who is new to the game would do. As always, we’ll be reading all the quests, and watching any cutscenes, etc.


4 thoughts on “Let's Play WoW – SHADOWLANDS – New Character Leveling 1 to 60 – Part 4 – Gameplay Walkthrough”

  1. I think it's more of a "well, this used to be the transition from legion to bfa" and you're lore wise at that point a demi-god slaying power house. Otherwise they would've to rewrite all of bfa to justify why you're important enough to be trusted with evereything going on in bfa.

  2. Wow, i haven't played WoW since Lich king and it just seems so cool to me that you already have a mount and pet, etc. LOL i remember grinding so long to get my first ever mount on my Night elf. I remember it was a white and black bengal tiger


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