Levelling In The War Within Is INCREDIBLE Right Now (Ultimate 2024 Guide)

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This is the fastest way to level World of Warcraft characters in 2024.
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00:00 An INCREDIBLE Few Weeks
00:22:29 – Get Extra XP!
03:36:17 – Classic Timewalking Is Super Powerful
06:43:06 – The Special Hallows End Method
08:04:29 Level 70-80 & The 20th Anniversary Event
10:44 Patch 11.0.7!


50 thoughts on “Levelling In The War Within Is INCREDIBLE Right Now (Ultimate 2024 Guide)”

  1. I don't want to level fast, I don't want it to even be an option, but worst of all the game doesn't even give you the option of levelling slow as you quickly put level any zone you commit to. It's horrible.

  2. Without heirlooms very risky. U get xp but no gear 😂😂 2 dungeons and you need complete new gear or u useless.

    Chromie drops every run a chest with gear. It's always your level and epic. But takes a while.

  3. That mount mania thing is good way of getting that event daily done quickly, if you're lucky and have a lot of the mounts you'll get it done off one of them. I've been playing several tanking toons for timewalking and it becomes infuriating because of the insane number of ninja pullers you get, I've been letting them die, vote kicking them then receiving a lot of verbal abuse via whispers which I then have to report. It's no wonder there's a shortage of tanks and healers for dungeons with this going on.

  4. PRO TIP !!! If you try to level an earthen by doing the candy buckets….. Don't use that warband item on your action bar that opens up the world map!!! You can still get exploration xp, but you wont know what areas you've explored or need to….. trust me

  5. Everything still feels like a massive chore. Just let me buy the T2 cosmetics outright. This is a celebration of 20 years of WoW, why are we having to do all this busy work to get a drip-fed currency? This is like getting a Casio watch after working for the same company for 50 years or something. Maybe I'm alone, but doing busy work dailies/weeklies feels less like a celebration, and more like a reminder that our fun is not the point of playing, but making the company money is. The more often we have to log in over such a period of time, the happier their investors are.

  6. Level 10 scaling in time walking dungeons is absurd. Get a friend to twink a lvl 10 tank and carry you through time walking. I’ve been soloing them and carrying levelers on my lvl 10 monk. Ez bronze tokens.

  7. There is nothing incredible about levelling in wow. I like pvp. & myth +. All the levelling, special events are absolute garbage. The levelling was the worst gaming experience of my life.

  8. If the best thing about leveling is how quickly you can get done with it, really starts to drive home that feeling of: why do we even level anymore? The nostalgia in me would miss it certainly, but realistically it is such an ignored portion of the game i don't think anyone would miss it long term.

  9. The issue is once you get to max level, you are immediately bored when you realise you are playing the same old theme park you have done for 20 years, just grinding for higher ilvl doing the same content, gameplay getting recycled with a new skin each patch/xpac.

  10. Thank you for the content!

    Has anyone thought recently about the connection between the Darkmoon Faire and the Old Gods? Is it possible that the DMF could have some significance later to the storyline in the War Within or Midnight?

  11. I'm amazed how many people ignore the fact you can queue with a dungeon group at the end of a dungeon. everyone immediately leaves and yet sometimes you can get a decent enough group and spam dungeons quickly.

  12. I am very confused. Maybe I am doing it wrong but when I try to do story on another character I do not get rep from questing. Could this be due to me skipping the leveling once I get my character to 70? Please help!

  13. Why havent you made a The War Within player participation report video like you always do? Are you afraid to show the numbers that this expansion was a flop and that your "leaked" sub numbers were actually just an outlier skew because of chinese players migrating over and now that they're back on their region the WoW metrics arent looking good again?


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