Make MILLIONS Farming CATACLYSM World Bosses | World of Warcraft Gold Farming

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Still been on MoP Remix figured I’d put a lil informative guy out there iykwim.

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4 thoughts on “Make MILLIONS Farming CATACLYSM World Bosses | World of Warcraft Gold Farming”

  1. Pretty passionate about the Cata WB farming (don't be mistaken, I've just been doing this too long and am therefore fucking insane by now) so I've got just a few tips!

    Firstly, I've noticed myself that respawns can be as early as around three hours. This isn't something I've simply read, I've regularly experienced it as I farm for the two mega-patterns. (I don't always go for back-to-back spawns because I'd lose my mind more than this farm has already done, but I've caught respawns as early as this.)

    Two, Xariona does not spawn in the same spots where Aeonaxx does; she circles the temple, waaay up where the pillars are, around the height where you see the Alliance airship.

    Three, seconding the Mobus comment. If you really want a chance at finding a Cata WB, I'd go for him. I think Vashj'ir is so largely hated that people avoid it more than other zones, and unless you're seeking him or Poseidus out specifically, as a max character there's like, no reason to go there.

    Forewarning for those who do want to farm, the top hat and rhinestone glasses patterns are VERY rare. I've been farming these guys for years now, regularly, and I have not seen a single drop yet. The monocle pattern drops were supposedly buffed like a year ago I think, and I've definitely seen this as well, but I've seen no change in the two non-monocle patterns. Buckle down if you actually want results.

    lastly it was kinda cool to see my "which has the most gold" comment highlighted, the research wasn't for nothing ig lmao

    Always happy to see an upload, your sense of humor adds a lot to these videos.


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