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Welcome to Warcraft Weekly – The series aiming to bring you all the latest news and information around World of Warcraft, including Live Game News and hotfixes, In development updates from the PTR and Alpha or Beta for The War Within, community highlights, event information.. and more! Anything current and WoW related, you can expect to find within these episodes.
Make sure to jump into the Discord to leave your transmog of the week submissions – Any questions, please leave as a comment below!
Transmog of the Month Theme – CATACLYSM
– Use the Discord link below to submit your transmog!
– Either use Cataclysm gear, or go for an elemental themed transmog that would suit the Cataclysm era!
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Thanks for watching! <3
Don't forget the Trading Post will update soon so snag any last minute items you want from there before they rotate out!
Theme for next month's transmog competition – CATACLYSM! 🔥 Show off those fiery or elemental inspired sets, best transmog wins £20 balance to spend in the store! Good luck! 👏
quality programming. keep it up. word will get out soon enough
I thought u had to be 60 for the chance at the mount?
Thanks for having my pally Savaris in the Transmog comp ill keep them coming lol
Ybarra quit so he could play more WoW
I would argue trading card games is not a big deal because you have to PAY REAL MONEY for those cards like buying store mounts or recruit a friend mounts i don't has an issue them adding it back it adds no real value. Only item i would keep preserve is maybe the spectral tiger that is about it. The AOTC mounts, gladiator mounts, mythic+ mounts though however maintain a level of prestige as it does require being good at that type of content rather dungeons, raiding, or pvp yes u can get carried through those i understand but there is still some level of rarity even if not a whole lot with those mounts that just giving them away would kinda be a spit in face for those who like doing hardcore content on release. Now if they did what u said with timewalking raids with proper difficulty i won't has as much of an issue with it.
That lunar hearthstone is pretty snazzy
Must remember to do heart breaker daily…. ugh
Any other mounts I missed?
I am somewhat new to the game and think that the old achievement mounts should stay retired. Recolors are fine for trading post . I would however like to buy the long boy. 😀
It's not called Big Love Rocket anymore, officially anyway.
Just like most still say "Twitter" instead of "X", though,
Almost nobody calls that mount the "X-45 Heartbreaker."
The woke folk ruined that one, too. ❤🚀
Big congratulations to the winner! Enjoy my friend!
I really love this weekly show!
Oh..omg, I won the transmog competition! It's my favorite transmog on my priest, I'm so happy you liked it ❤ Thank you so much!!
Also, so happy you get an increase in drop chance for the love rocket, since it's only on your first kill a day then it's still pretty low, but I'll take it! I think it's actually nice that they keep it rare and special but not as impossible to get as before, I think it's a good middle ground imo!
Aotc mounts should never be added to TP. Oh man I should get my hunter Xmog sent in.
I wish we could dye the armor pieces like some games have and allow
I would bet the wolf being on the trading post is a red herring. It may be coming back but be related to the upcoming "pandamonium". Perhaps, as you said, a sort of fated SoO. I'd be really surprised if it's just dumped on the trading post.