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First 🎉
Mything+ testing for ptr doesnt start until the 24th i believe. We wont see 11.1 this month.
The gear is Hero track?….its "Heroic level Cache", i take that to mean on par with Heroic dungeons and activities. Seems like a wild move to be giving away some of the highest ilevel gear in the game through a catch up mechanic, especially when a buff to Delves is coming. Has this been confirmed at all, heroic track gear (610 – 626) for this event?
I remember back in DF, I did 4 weeks of TT, I got 4x capes from the weekly reward chest, and vault gave me every single pieces I didn't need. Yes, your luck CAN be this bad! I had to carry several 456 pieces into WWI, and was only able to replace all when I hit 80😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'll wait another hour for a TLDR comment since you just yap and yap and yap.
your channel used to be good
Chase your tail, grind to grind to grind some more!! Get gear for what? Season to change? Start from nothing? Its getting old fast
When is legion tw?
This isn’t a catch up mechanic. It’s a chance at one random pierce of heroic gear that might not even be what you need lol.
Dungeons just put me to sleep
Dal i love your content, and i mean no disrespect here but my brother I’ve got to say it, you slur your words quite alot in your videos. To the point where sometimes i can barely understand what you are saying at all. Most of the time you talk clearly enough but sometimes it’s straight gibberish. I don’t think anyone will mind if you slow it down a little bit so we can fully understand. Plus it’ll give you some extra watch time. Otherwise great stuff
It's more of a lvling up alts events cuz u get the stacking buff
There is 0 chance that 11.1 (Season 2) launches on Feb 25th. If it does, Blizzard is on something. The Global Finals for TGP don’t even end until that weekend of Feb 22nd/23rd. They would not release a major patch 2 days after a global tournament has ended. My guess is 1-2 weeks after that such as Mar 4th or 11th.
Bros just clickbait at this point
Man what should I main!? Pally or evoker. I have both prot pal and pres evoker
mmm ketchup. appreciate the info.
gotta click off cuz i can barely understand what you're saying without slowing the video down
Thanks for the knowledge.
Grinding for garbage. They get pettier and pettier with each expansion. Dragonflight had huge inflation of grinding for garbage rewards. TWW has even more inflation.
If you can target the item then okay i get your hype… but this is trash lmao
more useless content!!! blizzard is so out of touch!!!! people play mains and mains never get a damn thing in this game!!
blizzard thinks every person who plays wow is a streamer or mdi player
even when countless people stop playing they still dont grasp reality!!!!
I cant understand him
i need the beeeeeeeeee
I completed the class connoisseur achievement yesterday. It only took me 16 years. I have one of each class at 80. I'm over leveling for now.
Anyone else remember how long it would take to finish a classic dungeon before they broke them into sections? Holy cow.. Dire maul and Strathome geez and how much of a pain it was to get the Warlock mount pali mount and Druid forms…
Whats the point of catch up gear, when you gonna replace it in first couple of days of the new season.
Quest items are probably gonna be higher item level than that catch up gear…
"Hellozguyhuwzitsguin, my name is Dal…".
clickbait on new mount. unsubbing
man please work on your pronunciation. I want to listen to your videos, but you speak so unclean, that I have to stop watching