MASSIVE NERFS! Tier Sets RETURN! Riot To FIGHT WoW On MMOs + MORE Shadowlands News!

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Torghast nerfs! A League of Legends MMO, and some more info from Ion’s interview with Sloot.
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0:00 Intro
0:55 Torghast Changes
5:59 Ion Interview
11:22 Top Tips
13:56 Riot’s MMO & Blizzard’s Weaknesses
32:50 Quick Fire


48 thoughts on “MASSIVE NERFS! Tier Sets RETURN! Riot To FIGHT WoW On MMOs + MORE Shadowlands News!”

  1. Sorry but everytime there is news about a new MMORPG people say "this will be a wow killer" and after a week of hype it dies out people just have a connection with blizzard thats love and hate but they stick with them so i dont see a MMORPG that will dethrone wow anytime soon.. The player base is just to loyal

  2. Torghast after the nerfs is a total joke… there is no way to die anymore… you can pull the whole floor in layer 8 and you will be fine… I have yet to fail a run and if the tuning stays this way I probably never will…

    I do agree that the runs could be a bit shorter but more dangerous (avoidable damage).

  3. The not tradable loot due to it being an "upgrade" is the problem. If you Lego slot drops and it's 190 but you get a 200 which you won't use that's not an upgrade and that bit of loot is wasted

  4. i had to laugh when they neved sub roq and i get hit for 21k templars verdicts or just executed from 80% on, ye but nerf other stuff and let others global people fun stuff

  5. Master loot literally is the worst thing ever. Imagine going to any pug, since not all have the time for guilds, and items drop, but you get 0 of them for the whole 10 boss raid, cuz the leader is your class/armour type. Or his friend is. Or the guy doing a bit more dmg/heal than you or you just can't roll high enough. Personal loot is the best for end game IMO.

  6. @BellularGaming I think you have hit the nail on the head. So far, I am really enjoying this xpac, and some of the things that have been added into the game. However, there are things that Blizzard have neglected. 1 – professions, let me clarify – they have added NONE to the game in forever. I think what they have done with the current ones in this xpac is great in my opinion. 2 – guilds – the guild you are with is what partly makes the game experience. That being said, there had been nothing added in guild rewards, things you can buy from a vendor, or anything that would spark "good" healthy guild competition. 3 – execution of story/game play – WoW doesn't need to be exactly like other games. However, I think there can be a better way to tell the story line that will be much more engaging to the player. I love an MMORPG or RPG with a well told immersive story line that makes you WANT to find out more about plot or characters. 4 – keep it simple, but do something awesome and refreshing. I am a huge J.R.R. Tolkien fan. I don't know about everyone else, but when I saw the ending cinematic for Ny'alotha, I was actually pretty insulted and mad. They literally could have pulled the end of "The Return of the King" and slapped into the game and there you have it. If blizzard had said something vague like "we are going to pay homage to Tolkien" before hand with CGI used in the battle between Sylvanas and Saurfang, I could have lived with that. Anyways, just my two cents for whats it worth. Peace!

  7. I have never been in a guild that hasn't screwed me over on multiple occasions with loot. I feel like your experiences have jaded you, as well as mine have jaded me. But, if the devs have weighed the feedback and found that there are more negative experiences than positive, or that the negative experiences, though maybe not more prevalent, are more devastating to players, then I agree, master loot needs to go.

  8. Blizzard and Activision in general suffers from the same problem that EA has and that eventually almost ALL large companies have. They make a lot of money and then they focus on MAKING A LOT OF MONEY and they forget that the reason they make that money is because of the PRODUCT that they make that then makes that money. So they forget that the PRODUCT SHOULD BE the paramount concern so that they can keep making the product which then makes the money. They lose sight of the product while management sits in the ivory tower sniffing their farts and patting themselves on the backs with their pile of money…while the product suffers and over time dies and management (no matter how bad they are) are not held accountable for giant failures.

  9. well since they took this idea from D3 Rifts. They should drop loot to the layer lvl. so layer 1 drops blue gear = to fresh lvl 60s and 8-10 + drop something useful. be nice to see some 200ilv gear drop like weapons and offhands and even a Torghast set gear we could work for maybe?

  10. I don't think Torgast should be really hard because casual players like myself want to do it too and if it's really hard…then I won't do it at all, leaving me feeling like I don't get the same out of the game as others.

  11. Mark my words…there is some Activision management dweeb over there saying, "There's no way we are going to devote X resources to a 16 year old game!!" No matter how much money it is making, people always psychologically choose to focus on negative aspects of things.

  12. The main issue is that most players will want the ash they can get. locking the maximum loot for a resource you need to farm behind a very hard level was bound to cause outrage. gear you can restrict but a farmable resource is something players without raid access will go after too and they want to get there just as much.

  13. Yesterday I had a run in Torghast where not a single damaging Anima power dropped until the broker on floor 6. That should be happening, Ever. RNG should not determine whether you have a fun or a miserable torturing experience, but rather offer different builds for your character.

    Torghast is unrewarding by its nature considering how long it takes compared to other late-game content systems, unless you get a good legendary memory or fun power then you are literally wasting time. If you're only getting utility garbage for 6 floors straight, it's gonna drag for an hour of dull, boring, and unrewarding content, and since Anima powers are the only thing that can potentially make Torghast fun, they must always be at least serviceable if not good.

    Make drops more systematic and sensical instead of completely random otherwise the entire thing is gonna be dead within a month or two.

  14. If blizz refuses to bring back master loot, the least they can do is get rid of that obnoxious shit where it auto-soulbinds any gear that has a higher ilvl, even if the stats aren't what you need.
    It REALLY sucks when a piece drops for you, a guildie needs it WAY more than you do, but you can't trade it because blizz's half-assed system makes the choice for you.
    I get them not wanting to bring back ML, but this current personal loot system needs some tweaks if that's the way they want to go.

    (either that, or bring back reforging, so I can take these "upgrades" and swap one of the stats to something I can actually use)


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