Tbh I'm mostly playing other games until at least season 4 or maybe even 10.0 prepatch. It's a perfect time to work on alt characters or games you've been neglecting.
I’d have to disagree with you about disc priest, they have better D’s then holy just not as much cc also can do way more dmg with the pennence leggo and the blazing light talent. I think one of the only things that holy has that make them so good is greater fade, a stun, and reign from above. They definitely need to remove the reign from above from priest, no logical reason to have it.
Always love a good tier list!
You forgot to add enhance shaman and ret paladin… xD
A yes, another tear list 😭
Good day when supa uploads a tier list!
Basically people only want Holy Priest/Pally & Rdruid
Poor disc, it's so much fun lol. I think it still has a place in RGBs.
Tbh I'm mostly playing other games until at least season 4 or maybe even 10.0 prepatch. It's a perfect time to work on alt characters or games you've been neglecting.
Nice shirt Sid kek
i got glad as disc, was a pain tho XD. Good vid.
Disc C tier? Really? Damn it. I'm really enjoying my disc priest I just made.
This video useless if you actually play the game you would know 90% of the games you will see Hpriest fotm rerollers
disc worse than MW, lol
Great content, thank you
How about include 2v2 tier list?
D teir is for Disc Priest. You really fucked that one up 🙂
I wish they would nerf holy priest its the most boring healing spec to play ever
started a paly alt this week, been pretty fun trying the NF cheese but it's not that pungent.
Plaze 1 – 100 holy priest
Isn't this a tad repetitive ?
I’d have to disagree with you about disc priest, they have better D’s then holy just not as much cc also can do way more dmg with the pennence leggo and the blazing light talent. I think one of the only things that holy has that make them so good is greater fade, a stun, and reign from above. They definitely need to remove the reign from above from priest, no logical reason to have it.
RMP/AWC next week?