MASSIVE Shadowlands SPOILERS; "a THREAT Older Than REALITY Itself"…

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Time Stamps:
0:00 – Intro
0:41 – Zone Overviews
1:27 – Oribos
2:40 – Bastion
3:54 – Maldraxxus
5:52 – Ardenweald
7:24 – Revendreth
9:58 – Bolvar Framing Devices
13:19 – Maw The Jailors Plan
14:21 – The Runeforger
19:07 – Sylvanas
20:56 – Helm of Domination
22:57 – Final Shot – Pire of the Unseen Guests
23:18 – Conclussion
25:24 – The pictures from the Art book


47 thoughts on “MASSIVE Shadowlands SPOILERS; "a THREAT Older Than REALITY Itself"…”

  1. Hey Acco! Mentioned lantern yesterday few times. Wondering witch soul it contains. Idea: Arbitar's maybe? Zovaal is just fine, nothing wrong with him, and I believe he doesn't have one at all. Arbitar is malfunction, I wonder why? Maybe they kept his soul on special place, then somehow Valkyrie stole it for Odin or who knows why and how. I bet SL will end when we bring his soul from Azeroth to Oribos. Any thoughts?

  2. I believe Jailer killed or had to kill his wife or love or whatsoever "Azeroth" that's why he says she belongs to him. They are at the same level that's why it makes Azeroth's soul so important, so powerful if she awakens one day. You will see it will be this easy. Blizz always choose easiest way for the story.

  3. According to Blizzard there should be a clockmaker or cloackmakers which is/are suppposed to be far more ancient than the first ones and i guess they should be the creators of the first ones. Maybe the Jailer did something to them.

  4. I love how Blizzard write their expansion villains. In the end we always find out all of them pretty much did nothing wrong, every villain is almost a hero when yu see how strong nd dangerous the void is nd why they had to do wat they did to defeat the void. In the end we are morally right bt ultimately the villains in the end are us. I bet the way WoW will end with us setting the void free trying to fight fate/cosmological forces using us nd end up having to ask all the forces we did wrong to help us out

  5. I find it interesting that the first Lich King passage is signed "The Lich King", but the second passage is signed "Bolvar Fordragon". Could it be from 2 different people?

  6. Whoever wrote that line in the book is an absolute liar. There was nothing "morally grey" about the horde campaign in BFA. That was pure evil, unredemptive, undeniable, irrefutable, unacceptable evil.

  7. Absolutely loving our videos now you’ve sorted out the Twitch chat pings, screams, noises, and annoyances. Top tier content! I can finally just listen and not be distracted.

  8. If the other eternal ones in the shadowlands found out that Zoval was actively manipulating Sargeras to trick him into exterminating thousands and thousands of planets of all life….and then keeping all those dead souls for himself; wouldn't this be considered an evil crime worthy of imprisonment in the maw…?

  9. Zovaal's crimes might be committing genocide, using countless souls both good and evil to fuel himself for power to accomplish his goals, sending the Nathrezim to convince Sargeras to create the Burning Legion which will later commit genocide by destroying many worlds, turning the cosmic forces against each other, and finally torturing the souls into following his will.

  10. So Zovaal killed (or was accused of killing) either one of his sisters, or one of the First Ones. Their body was reanimated as The Arbiter, to perform his job for him, after he was banished.

  11. Reality is an unnatural creation, an abomination of the universe that wasn't created by the First Ones. Sargeras knew this and made it his life mission to destroy reality; to bring the universe back into the original design of his makers.

  12. who would the first ones need to protect the shadowlands from??? Are they not the prime creators? would that not mean they would have created the threat that they need to protect the shadowlands from?

  13. I love the character of Sire Denathrius (as a major villain) and it is a shame for him to be defeated in the first raid of shadowlands.
    You can't have the sire of the cosmic illuminati just taken out right away

  14. @Accolonn I have a theory about Disorder. I'm not sure if this video is the most appropriate place to propose it, but here goes:
    The Cosmic force of Disorder predated Sargeras and was not made by Sargeras, nor was it the natural place for Sargeras. Sargeras was a being of Order being rebellious and pretending to wield disorder against the Void…but doing so in an orderly way. The titans may well have the opinion and bias to call Sargeras as disorder in their chronicle; but only because they were tricked by nathrezim from cosmic Death. Instead,
    the real cosmic force of disorder had several beings and representatives just as Order had several beings and representatives. One of these beings of disorder would actually be Elune. But this Elune was not evil…instead she was Chaotic Good. She knew that balance needed to be maintained, so sometimes she cooperated with Light, sometimes she cooperated with Order, sometimes she cooperated with Life, sometimes she cooperated with Shadow, sometimes she cooperated with Death. However, perhaps Elune was a strange chaotic combination of two separate entities that were equal and opposite; one which was chaotic evil, and one which was chaotic good. They could be so equally matched that they may seem like one entity with two faces. The bright moon Elune could be compassionate and hopeful and good and beneficial to mortals, and the dark moon Elune could be malicious and discouraging and bad and harmful to mortals….but both could be opposed to the cosmic force of Death if it tries to ruin the balance between all forces. These two faces of the Elune being could be in a cycle where one is dominant and the other recedes in power and then the dominant one fades in power and the one which was weak becomes dominant thus waxing and waning again and again. When the real Sylvanas died and the fake Sylvanas was taken over by the Jailor he may have used her to attempt to drive Elune out of hiding. Hence the actions in Darkshore. This could also reveal to the Jailor which of the aspects of Elune was currently in ascendancy…the dark or the bright. Or, as a possibility…the tragedies in Darkshore could have actively forced the dark Elune to take over as Tyrande completed the ritual asking for vengeance and darkness. Much as before…when the Arthas Lich King was in control and working with the Jailor, he actively played the Alliance against the Horde because whatever death they caused to eachother would naturally feed the Jailor in the shadowlands. Here, again, bfa made alliance and horde fight each other and all the dead went to feed the maw. Now…Elune knows that fake Sylvanas must be opposed; in fact probably both dark elune and bright elune know that she must be stopped. It is possible that Elune was responsible for preserving and redirecting the ghost of Vol'jin and also that Elune is responsible for making us the player into the Maw-walker…a little bit of disorder and unlikely events and impossibilities not being impossible…just long enough for us to stop the Jailor and restore balance between the cosmic forces. One more aside, if you want an analogy of how a being could be viewed as two personalities in one entity….think of the Worgen. The Lycanthropes have a gentle and reasoning form….then they have a raging and irrational form that acts with violence and responds poorly to reason. The Lycanthrope switches from one form to another. Incidentally…..guess who is associated with Lycanthropes in wow…? That's right, Elune. The Scythe of Elune directly resulted in the creation of Lycanthropes.

    Also, I would like to remind you of some of the flavor text on a few of the Druid legendaries from Legion.
    Impeccable Fel Essence ring (where it says fel energy enhances celestial alignment cooldown with nature)
    Shoulders Lady and the Child (where it says power of the twin moons)
    Tearstone of Elune ring (says "The myth surrounding Elune, one of the few true deities of Azeroth, suggest her true identity might not yet have been fully understood." )
    Soul of Archdruid ring (where it says "preservers of balance" )
    Harmony of Nature cape (where it says "Harmony between the natural and supernatural forces may be difficult to achieve, but leads to substantial greatness" )

    So basically… to conclude and summarize: I think Elune was one of the original and intended representatives from the cosmic force of Disorder. I also think she may have a dual personality. She may not be the "only" being or representative from Disorder…but at least she is one of them, and a powerful one. She didn't want Sargeras interfering in her realm where he didn't belong.

  15. A part that was missed possibly was where it said "The one seared by the flames of life" not light meaning possibly the only reason he was able to resist the jailers call was because of the flames of life balanced out the pull of the helm which explains why he was able to resist when others could not

  16. It is confirmed here in the art book that the world trees in Azeroth are directly connected to Ardenweald and if the trees are destroyed in Ardenweald the Jailer would be free from the Maw. Could this give more of a glimpse into Sylvanus and her attack on Teldrassil? With the confirmation of the this connection between the world trees and the Ardenweald trees through the Emerald Dream would the destruction of Teldrassil weaken the grove in Ardenweald? What would be the impact in the Maw of all those thousands of souls flooding in and not just any souls but the souls of the innocents who would have never entered the Maw because they are innocent, is their anima more pure/powerful; especially, since the Arbiter is not functioning in directing the souls to their "proper" destination? Also we now see in the cinematic that the chains used by Sylvanus and the Venthyr are identical in nature and we have been teased with the hint that the Jailer has turned his chains into weapons. IMHO I believe this is meant to mislead us into believing the Jailer has turned his actual chains into weapons. I believe that whatever power the first ones used to contain the Jailer within the Maw has been corrupted and that the Jailer is now using that power and the nature of that power to break free. Thanks for all you do and contribute to enriching the story of the world we play in every day and tickling our brains to peel the layers back and not just accept the surface stories we are fed.

  17. I believe the unthinkable crime the Jailer committed was destroying the First Ones.

    So this is how I think everything went down: The First Ones are the "clockmakers" that made the cosmological forces. Then after making the cosmological forces, the First Ones created reality and the entire Great Dark Beyond, aka the physical universe. Then the Jailer somehow destroyed the First Ones completely, and the Eternal Ones (the leaders of the Covenants, and the Arbiter), trapped the Jailer in the Maw for his crimes, vowing to do everything they could to keep him sealed in there, as the First Ones banned any cosmological forces leaders from directly killing each other. Maybe its LITERALLY impossible, which is why when Sargeras "killed" the Pantheon, they just reverted into world soul forms, to be reconstituted again. So Sargeras killing the Pantheon was really just an act of rage and frustration, but one he knew to be ultimately futile in terms of destroying the Pantheon. Hence why he then sought out the world souls, to be corrupted and turned into his Dark Pantheon. Perhaps killing them was enough to weaken them, as they did not have their physical avatars anymore to defend themselves. Think like, if your brain was indestructible, but your body wasn't. But when your body is destroyed, it regenerated over time, but within that time, your brain is left helpless to defend itself, making you more easily bent to another's will.

    The question then is how in the hell did the Jailer destroy the First Ones?! Maybe he somehow stole their power. Hence why the Eternal Ones are so terrified of him escaping, as his escape would mean the soon of not just the Shadowlands, but of all existence, as he could use the First Ones' power to destroy all reality, AND the cosmological forces, and their domains. That would make him a far greater threat than Sargeras, and EVEN a far greater threat than the Void Lords themselves. This, if true, would be the power scaling required to surpass Sargeras on the existential threat scale that has to keep rising every expansion.

  18. Would be more interesting if the Jailer was corrupted by the Maw itself. Sort of how Prison guards have to rotate to other prisons to prevent a detrimental psychological effect twisting them to become vicious & evil.

  19. Think I figured out a very possible solution. The jailer murdered one of his brothers or sister leaders and felt like he had no choice. Maybe they did something terrible. However in pantheon terms he committed an unforgivable sin. Maybe the original lord of revendreth or maldraxus since they are no longer around.

    This would explain why in their mind he did something unforgivable and in his mind he was betrayed by the others. Maybe he was trying to save someone or end a very unjust evil.

  20. I think he killed one of his fellows. There by creating the concept of death. So they then decided to create the shadowlands for all the souls of the dead to go and rest. And they then jailed him there.


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