SPOILERS! How Do Mortal Souls ENTER the Shadowlands?

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From the World of Warcraft Novel Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond,
How does Mortals enter the WoW Shadowlands?

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10 thoughts on “SPOILERS! How Do Mortal Souls ENTER the Shadowlands?”

  1. going on some pop culture big horror stuff, there are always "Outsiders" in cosmic horror. Things from outside the system(s) that work to bring them down either because reality solidified around them and trapped them or because they were trapped outside the system and they are trying to free their trapped brethren, the other option that follows the HP Lovecraft motif wow is running with is the outsiders are above mortal notions of good and evil, that they just are and part of that is their predatory nature

    Pulling ideas from a table top game here but in some ways reality and order can be viewed as a web spun to keep things and relationships solid, what was before that web of creation, what may have been trapped but not incorporated and is now fighting and thrashing to be released?

  2. Accolonn have you watched “Legend of the Seeker”? (Season 2, episode 15, Creator) it talks about how the Creator and the Keeper were in love and created the world and the first humans ( children), the Keeper got jealous and brought mortality to their children. The creator was so sad that hers tears solidified and she used it to trap the Keeper in the Underworld forever. It has some parallels with Wow lore,

  3. "Who is the clockmaker behind the rules of the universe? How is Anima created? These are bigger questions to unravel in years to come, but we may not answer this in the Shadowlands." – Bellular Shadowlands Interview with Ion Hazzikostas.

  4. Considering re-origination there is no doubt Azeroth is an Anima machine, I imagine Azeroth is like the Tauren story and is actually "the eye" of a First One. Hence Sargeras's story of falling in love with the "eye of Azeroth", probably why he screams "NOOOOO" as he saw first hand what the Titans have done to her.


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