Matt Booty of Xbox Talks Warcraft on Console, TV Series, Movies & MORE World of Warcraft NEWS

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32 thoughts on “Matt Booty of Xbox Talks Warcraft on Console, TV Series, Movies & MORE World of Warcraft NEWS”

  1. Samiccus JUST SAY IT! LMAO You know this game WILL hit other platforms. I do not understand why Haley doesnt just say that WoW will hit consoles eventually. If anyone in todays age thinks this is not possible… **😂 I would just stare and smile

  2. At the very start you've not read properly. The question warcraftlogs is asking is "should this pad damage count towards logs". So the first question is asking "do you want the damage to silken tombs included in mythic logs?", this is being asked because it makes parsing weird when some specs click 1 aoe button and aoe them down but some don't. The third question is asking whether players want the damage to Ulgrax's adds including in logs. I have no idea how you thought it was asking whether we should be able to damage the boss during the intermission, it literally says nothing about being allowed to do this or not

    Again they aren't asking whether you want the damage removing from the game, they're asking if players want the damage recorded in the logs. Did you literally just not read properly? it said it pretty clearly on the article

    Also, court and queen are not hard on heroic if people know what to do, if you haven't managed to kill queen yet and the players in your groups are geared, that's pretty bad lol

  3. Calling arthases story "the lich king story" is a wrong term for it.
    1) he was from all three lich kings only second in relevance what ner'zhul did before becoming the lich king and did as the lich king as far more significant than what arthas ever did.
    2) arthas as the sole lich king was shortest reigning from all lich kings as he was there alone from wotlk prepatch till the end of wotlk. thats at best 2years.
    3) he lost all his depth as a character as the lich king look at war3 arthas was so much more interesting character during it and as the lich king he had less personality than ner'zhul had in the frozen throne as the lich king. While all outside media gave bolvar and ner'zhul even more depths as character during their reigns but not even outside media gave that to arthas as the lich king.

    also all arthas stuff from human campaigns latter half, murdering and killing everyone in the capital city including his mother and father etc then gathering the cult of the damned, killing uther and placing KT ashes in terenases urns, destruction of silvermoon with all the dar'khan BS, demon gate event in alterac with blackrock orcs, sacking of dalaran, summoning of archimonde, then going to kalimndor to meet with illidan on ner'zhuls orders, then a huge time skip with archimonde dying offscreen and arthas returning to lordaeron throw out the dreadlords and soon finding out that illidan had as demon hunter some time ago used eye of sargeras to nearly destroy frozen throne and arthas getting weaker at that point, then dreadlords kicking his ass, sylvanas nearly killing him and then going to northrend meeting anub'arak and having to explain arthases complex history with kael as potential suitor for jaina, raising of sapphiron, killing last of muradins mens going to azol-nerub facing nerubians calling anub'araka the traitor king and facing on an part of yogg-saron beating it getting out and competing with illidan who gets the icecrown glacier first….. Thats shit ton of stuff for two movies……

  4. i have to say Heroic Anserak isnt hard it dose take a little bit more personal responsibility to have people in the bombs an the damage during the webs an tank debuff isn't hard to put cooldowns at set times. i do understand for pick up teams an pugs its meant to be challenging an pushes for people to look for guild or steady teams. only issue i have with world of warcraft is the catch up gear they give out in between patches it makes like 75% or more of the content u did in the last phase worth less beside some gear from raid (trinkets an proc weapons)

  5. I play wow on my Xbox through GeForce now, they have add-ons preloaded that you just turn on in the menu. I don't see why the actual game couldn't do something similar when it comes to console. Apparently you can email Nvidia to ask them to add specific add-ons to the list.

  6. Can't imagine how toxic wow will get with console players. Console brings ghetto and trailer trash players and PC hates playing with them cause they usually suck but somehow think they're better. I know this sounds messed up but it's so true . I've experienced it in ither games that merge console and oc together

  7. queen hc is the most toxic thing blizzard has ever done. its much easier to pug +10 m+ than get queen and the setup is also long. it kill the flow of the raid. usually many people leave after court. i dont need loot from queen so i just ignore it from now on. shitty boss

  8. I would love a series. But they need to break it into so many different segments. Like one season being about the formation of humans, another being the different orc clans. Another about night elves, another dwarves, undead, tauren, etc etc. then bring in the formation of alliance and horde. And then!! You can start hitting each expansion.

    I donno, is it just me or do people like full details on stories? Like I don't really want to just be thrown into a story where I don't know the characters, I don't understand why things happen (why an elf is hanging out with a gnome).

    I think the TV series could work so well and be such a massive money make if they really go into full depth of everything


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