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Meet my main for WoW Ms. Highbiscus!
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Read more about World of Warcraft ➜
Meet my main for WoW Ms. Highbiscus!
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Bree, I have a huge crush on you. I could just lay on your lap and listen to you talk about your wow characters for hours
Omg WoW 😮 I haven't played that game in like 15 years 🤯 is it still a thing??!
I use the same one hand tmog on my pally!
Have you ever played the video games the last of us or little nightmares?
Alliance races and cities are the best
damn you seem to be really lucky with the guilds if you managed to get the uncorrupted voidwing right before bfa ended! i can never really get into any decent guild that actually does proper endgame content even if im on one of the biggest EU realms (tarrenmill) so i kinda became an altoholic (i currently have 12 characters that are above level 60 and most of them are 70).
I had to go through multiple servers the other day and delete some alts. I'm surprised you didnt like dh after you said you like to move fast and hit things.
I love playing in the horde but I agree, the alliance has way better looking races. I literally cannot stop playing my gnome dk.
Ha! When you got to monk I was like YEP. Monk is fast but the biggest thing about the class since the day it was introduced is how smooth it is to play. It's not whack-a-mole like so many others and it's not blow-all-cooldowns-on-every-single-enemy-before-you-get-to-attack like my ex-fave class, death knight.
Been playing consistently since 2004 and monk feels like the only class that really has it's shit together, unlike enhancement shaman which is all over the place and feels like a clusterfck to play.
Vault loot in the raid slots will give gear based on what bosses you killed. Loot in the dungeon slots will give gear from any dungeon or raid boss. The quality will be determined by the mythic plus level you did, so I believe anything 11-15 will give heroic raid items.
Love the video and as an altoholic myself I totally identify with it. I'm at the point where I have 50 characters across all realms which is maximum so whenever I want to make another class/race combo I have to delete one, first world problems. New sub here, staying for longer! Cheers! <3
Best is go druid
You couldve just race changed lol
Question, what made you play on the horde if you like alliance classes and races more? Asking this because I do something similar, I play horde but I love alliance zones and aesthetics , but idk, there is something about the horde that made me fall in love with it years ago 😅