Mega Mythic Plus Discussion: Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2.5 to 10.0 | Affixes Design Rewards + | GG WoW

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Dorki, Dratnos, Ellesmere and Tettles sit down to collect the big takeaways and big picture lay of the land for World of Warcraft’s Mythic+ moving into Dragonflight 🐲

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13 thoughts on “Mega Mythic Plus Discussion: Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2.5 to 10.0 | Affixes Design Rewards + | GG WoW”

  1. Thank you Ellesmere, I'd like to be able to cleanse curse, disease, etc. on ALL healers. Thank you Dorky/Ellesmere for bringing up the balancing issue several times. There clearly needs to be PVP/M+/Raid tuning for classes/specs for individual tuning.

  2. What about a mob that resets cooldowns and your sated debuff? that has no count that could be an affix. . would change if you bring shaman or mage, or a mob you kill to get an additional battle rez.

  3. Every single affix that artificially reduces the pull size (bolstering, necrotic, explosive, inspiring) should be removed from the game. What is more, if you want to have non-outplayable affixes, grant them benefits as well (example – Combat Frenzy: every 3 seconds, all enemies and allies in combat get % haste). 100% curse affixes worked in Diablo, because in Diablo you had 100% kiss pylons to compensate for that.

  4. Fully uncap everyone, why make more hurdles to tune classes? you have reduced after 5 target. then 8 target then fully un capped, then some stuff reduced AFTER 1 TARGET LOL and then you have poor outlaw rogues that are still fully capped, they should just let it be like it was in legion and bfa you have single target and you have aoe period, easier to balance when you dont have to juggle with all those numbers of targets hit or reduced after

  5. 55:20 I disagree so much here. Max Ilvl gear ie 285 should be obtainable via M+, but it should be locked behind high RIO and unlocked late into the season.

    I got Tormented hero last season with 4 ilvls behind, felt really unfair, to not be able to buy all the best gear once in the tormented hero rio range. Once you're hitting those levels you should be able to just purchase all the stuff you need via valor (285 gear included). This would only affect the top 0.1% of key pushers so it shouldn't take away the prestige of having those items, or whatever that means or make them 278 (+7ilvls in M+)


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