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Method EU vs Skill Capped EU
Final | AWC Shadowlands EU Cup 3
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Let's hope Skill Capped EU doesn't choke at blizzcon again.
Repair the game. Buff rdruid.
Better team won, outplayed. Gg
I swear the guy who said the seed should work in Arena is sersiously rtarded.
Anyone knows which legendary and stat weight blizo ran?
Buff dh
Blizo was absolutly insane these games. So fun to finally see some warriors at these games again!
Enhance Offheals seem a bit too strong 1:08:27
Gotta love to see Rogue+Mage lose. So satisfying
Oh nice, finally someone played fire mage
I'm glad, that Reckful did not see state of his old comp – RMP. Melee cleave with arm faceroll 50% hp hits with every attack, arms have million suport deff cds for every situation, but ofcourse, Blizo went with a broken seed, to have one broken deff extra. Meanwhile poor rogue did 150 IQ tactic with zero success, because only way how to win this – via duel, was denied via seed. Chasing priest 2 arenas without switch lika Hydra games (1500 exp wotlk tacticss), sac seed. PPL hates RMP so much, but RMP must to do 10000* more than brainead melee cleave to win a game.
rogue damage is so low
Awesome, now we are going to see enh heals get gutted like last expansion 🙁
Enha offheals hahahaah
Sac/bop on seeds needs killed with fire. Such a toxic mechanic
warriors are fine
and now we are watching the highest exp players playing so its not about the skill its about the classes they are playing lets hope 1 employ from blizzard is watching it and can make some nerfs / buffs !! or you can just nerf mage again and lets say 1 % reduce heal on hpala so every 1 can say ok they got nerfed yea and still all you can see is hpala in arena !! rogue mage need 1000iq plays to kill someone while warr/encha just sit on target and press 123123123 !! that shadow priest match ouf man almost 25 times priest was gonna die and almost 0 times skill capped was gonna loose "clap" "clap" sp + mage damage was equal to encha damage and encha heal was equal to their hpala heal to fair to fair !!!
Is it just me or are the cooldowns on defensive abilities just way too low… There is always an answer for everything. Oh, He made a mistake … doesn't really matter cause his team has 10 different cooldowns to save him. Which would be fine if it would mean that they could burst him down later… But they can't because they have 10 other cooldowns to save him again, and by the time you can burst again the cooldowns you used first are back up again.
These games lasting 10+ minutes are the perfect example. Just too much different stuff stopping damage.
Unbalanced game each season gettin worse
is there any way to see what spec/talents/gear etc did they play?
Please make a separate channel for mdi/ arena and stop spamming the feeds of everyone else who just doesn't care
why aren't resto druids being used
That prediction by Ven in the last game was amazing.
I like that rmp was owned. But obvious that arms and enh need nerf for their damage and toolkit (for war) – it is insane result for such autistic 123 gameplay.
what's chas transmog ? is he using tier7 from warriors as a paladin i dont get it, help i want that