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#Shorts #Blizzard #GameDev
Read more about World of Warcraft ➜
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#Shorts #Blizzard #GameDev
And how thor did you happen upon this information 🧐
Is this loss?
That really blows man. I actually loved starcraft and starcraft 2. I have all the expansions and everything.
I wanna know how much ow2 is making with the mythic prisms
Way more people was interested in world of warcraft than starcraft 2 so of course a mount that you have to pay for generated more money. Starcraft 2 only sold about 6 million copies and world of warcraft sold over 14 million copies.
Stormgate is the future (hope this ages well)
Then get a real job bum
Nice, I finally found someone, who worked on one of my most favored rts-games ever. Still sad, that it had that few revenue.
It's true. I have that sparkly horse and I am absolutely a dipshit.
thats the problem. you can say you hate it and that its immoral, but if it makes them that much money why would they stop. it sad but it makes sense. wtf do i care about reviews if this microtransaction is going to get me millions?
You look at valorant and you got tons of players that have spent over a hundred dollars and some that have spent tens of thousands just for cosmetics
It is sad,,, but StarCraft was half baked on release bro
"Why make a game, when we can just make assets?"
And this is why publishers can never leave microtransactions. And why we dont get games like sc2 anymore
I remember buying that horse.
And here's why this is like it is: out of all gamers in exustence maybe only 20% at best care, and want to make gaming better. These are the people that speak out and make noise (in vain). The rest of 80% just buy shit, consume that shit, buy more flavores of that shit, and repeat.
Everybody hates mounts 2 pay but wayyyy 2 many ppl have them😂😂
this is why boycotting doesnt really work that well on microtransaction,need to add shaming the purchaser as well
But you made a good game i loved SC 2. Imagin you cry about selling a picture for 2k and Picasos made 200 mil. Not the Money matter what matters is the piece of art you crafted.
There isn’t really a problem. It’s just the joke of life. Nobody is doing anything wrong. You may open a shop selling your homemade beverages and cocacola might still make more selling bottle openers.
Ahh man the memories..all those are my early gaming years..miss those kinda games.
Command & Conquer
Age of Empires
Last but not least.. KKnD ( krush kill n destroy )
This is genuinely horrible and amazing.
Did wings of liberty let all of your alts fly?
But then, everything changed when the horse cosmetics attacked.
Look at call of duty and war zone 😂
No wonder why we might never get Starcraft 3.
How can that math possibly be correct? Sue to development costs?
Yeah. The people who don't understand this shit keep enabling it.
RTS is dead… Sadge
Are we going to pretend that RTS weren't a dying breed at that point? It was 2010, people had moved on