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What do you think of these new 2024 updates?
nice video man! may come back from era for a few days for this.
i dont know if this is controversial, but i hope that the love rocket mount (valentine event) does no get easier to get, it will kinda nerf its cool valvue (that is a mount i dont own btw)
They still haven't learned their lesson, putting an item like this behind purely RNG limited time event like they did with Arfus, then said that it wasn't the best thing.
Have they said anything more about what the new Holiday Event was? I remember reading something where people had said Blizzard mentioned a new holiday was coming out sometime this year, but as far as I know, nothing has been discovered in the datamine? I know they just recently compleyely changed Love in the Air and Hallow's Eve, but still nothing on the new event. And I can't think of what could be new in the second half of the year, unless they plan to extend Winter Veil into new events for other religions.
Once a day..screw you blizz….great video MRGM
worst drake
Honestly, great update. I always felt inclined to do it on 20+ alts which had me playing for like 8 hours straight with the queues in mind, now I won't feel inclined to do that.
So first they make changes that make altoholics have benefits and than they go ahead and make alt armies useless? …
one per day is stupid!
I have trust issues because I never got fyrak axe still and I do the raids every week. So I’m skeptical as hell 😂
great video thanks!
Couldn't check myself but can you que for this with MoP Remix characters?
Haha, so, lets bring in alt friendliness with warband banks and they remove alt farming? I mean it must be a result to how many alts everyone got up in mop remix 😅
I mean do i have more or less of a chance with once a day or 20 chances? Or is this timegating rearing its head again as a qol feature?
Why is the armor in a satchel? Not the farming nightmare again. I honestly prefer to spend 50k gold on this drake armor like I did with the lunar festival drake armor.
Not sure WHY there is so much gripe when it comes to the one a day thing. They clearly stated that the drop chance has increased and will each time you do not get the item. I'd rather have that than spend an hour getting on alts to farm every single day. Can't please everyone it seems. Gotta complain about something :/
Why is there so many items with flowers
FkN flower on sht is stupid af. What has gone wrong with the world…of warcraft man!
Would have preferred it to be on the vendor. Great, Have to go back into a daily dungeon I have everything else from for an RNG chance at another cosmetic since I'm a collector. People (perhaps myself) will still farm more than once a day. The big love rocket is the worst, even with the improvement, it's eluded me each year, alt army doesn't always help with these new holiday fomo dropping well it's better than not having the alts but no guarantee.
Once a day. Hn. Well there goes farming
id love to partake but my computer refuses to run world of warcraft lol
As always, gr8 video!
Unsure what I think of the alt change, I like the fact that it gets a higher drop rate, but still not sure.
horrible cosmetics. like truly, how do people find this garbage amusing.
I don't see any of the event areas yet. is it not live? I don't have the dungeon in my dungeon finder
Now do the updated loot system for the raid mounts.
Horrible change, All i have wanted for YEARS is the scythe and the enchantment. This will make it significantly harder for people to obtain now. thanks blizz.
Does this also apply to the scythe? Couldnt care less about the armor but ive been after that scythe for 3 years in a row with no luck
im sorry elden ring, the midsummer festival is calling me 😢😢😂
they need to add this to raid bosses too… 300+ ulduar clears no mount 250+ ultraxion kills no mount 300 throne of the 4 winds clears no mount
We guaranteed to get the mount by the end of the event? I have 12 alts and managed to brute force a few of the seasonal mounts. Would vastly prefer only doing one a day but only if the numbers are better.
eh not exciting but that loot change with increased chance is pretty nice. Completely off topic but what ever happened to dynamic ground mounts? I though that was supposed to come out in like 10.2 lol.
Bad move, really bad move it takes rarity away then because eventually you will get it versus it being a genuine omg I finally got it by a random chance instead of it oh I'll get it the next few days because I done it 20 days already etc etc.
This is not a great change, a great chance would be making it optainabe for currency.
Got the mount look on my first try.
I loved playing my alts. What's the point of them after Warbands? I've been worried about changes like this since they announced warbangs. I'm sure I'm in the minority and some giga chad is gonna shit their opinion about it into a reply to this comment, but this kind of shit kills an entire way to play this game for collectors. Collecting isn't an end-goal, it's an activity. Taking away the activity makes it pointless.
An improvement that also helps those enjoying MoP: Remix as we won't have to alt farm that boss.
Pity it's mid winter in aus 😅
i got the brewfest one all i cared about
Wow they finally put a pity system in. Now if only they'd do this for the rares that drop druid forms in the emerald dream..
Oh boy more daily chores, thats totally how you fix loot
Wait arent u the guy that steals content? Get a life thief