Wasnt monkheal shitless broken at least the whole last tier of DF? I remember being pissed of how much more healoutput it had compared to my main holy priest 😂
Blizzard has to realize nobody wants to play a meele fucking healer it feels so fucking bad, especially of you have to stand in something like concecration for a 20% increase to healing and damage and its on a cool down so whenever you need a big heal on somebody a big puddle spawns right on top of you so you have to move out of consecrate and holy shock and judge are on CD so you can't generate holy power so you can't even word of glory more than 1 person and the team wipes. They wanted to copy FF14 so much that they made all healers into dps to try to do what FF14 does but it doesn't fucking work because each healer has a whole dps kit in WOW…. In FF14 there's 3 fucking dps buttons on all the healer specs (other than the newest healer which plays like disc priest). It's not fun in WOW to be a dps that can throw out heals , just make it a dps with all smart healing then like when they originally tried it with MW monk. Healing just feels like shit in general and has never felt this bad even in vanilla.
Please no… mistweavers are 1 shotting people in PvP 😅
Where did that come from? Can't find a patchnote
Me after getting the prot pala changes. Enjoy your buffs lads it will be awesome. Goes from feeling useless to a beast
watch it be undone next patch 😀 like always
Mean while the non wow players are like: OK.
This patch made me swap mains from mw to hpriest
Buffs like this are madness, what was going on for the last 2 mo ths lol
Ele shaman goes F tier again
Well thats a big buff
I dont know what they put in their coffee in blizzard but it aint sugar thats for sure
Lol just wait till they realize then they be back to the bottom
Blizzard cooked with this let's go
Pandas were the best decision in WoW
i adore them so much
Forgot about monks, in fact I haven’t seen one in game for a while now that I think about it.
haha this is awesome
Disgusting for bg blitz where they were the best spec by far. Especially for flag carrying
I am not Weaver first
Wasnt monkheal shitless broken at least the whole last tier of DF? I remember being pissed of how much more healoutput it had compared to my main holy priest 😂
They are not very common in game for sure. Almost every instance I get a druid, evoker, or resto shammy.
Demon Hunters turn when?!
All i see is thx for testing for us here is what you should have had at lauch
yea but 0 for windwalker monk
i want fucking buff for mm too , its currently too weak 😢
My main is a monk! This is dope
Blizzard has to realize nobody wants to play a meele fucking healer it feels so fucking bad, especially of you have to stand in something like concecration for a 20% increase to healing and damage and its on a cool down so whenever you need a big heal on somebody a big puddle spawns right on top of you so you have to move out of consecrate and holy shock and judge are on CD so you can't generate holy power so you can't even word of glory more than 1 person and the team wipes. They wanted to copy FF14 so much that they made all healers into dps to try to do what FF14 does but it doesn't fucking work because each healer has a whole dps kit in WOW…. In FF14 there's 3 fucking dps buttons on all the healer specs (other than the newest healer which plays like disc priest). It's not fun in WOW to be a dps that can throw out heals , just make it a dps with all smart healing then like when they originally tried it with MW monk. Healing just feels like shit in general and has never felt this bad even in vanilla.
Buffing all the wrong shit right now. Balance is a fallacy at this point
Maybe that glint in your eyes will last longer than the 3 days us ele shammys got. 😢😅😢
Tuning feels like the new weekly affix. Next week get buffed/nerfed