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Asmongold reflects on his 2 years old tweet about Shadowlands now that the new WoW expansion Dragonflight is out
On this Asmongold Youtube Channel You will never quit finding all the funny Asmongold Moments with Mcconnell and best Asmongold Highlights from gameplay of the most popular MMORPGs: like Blizzard’s World of Warcraft (WoW Dragonflight & Classic WoW), Diablo Immortal and soon Diablo IV, the record breaking Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and many other popular games like Elden Ring (the first open world Dark Souls game). Also Asmongold Reacts to a lot of content, especially Asmongold Reaction to Speedrun of games, but some of the most interesting creators he really likes to watch include Madseasonshow, Bellular, Internet Historian, Josh Strife Hayes, Zepla, Barny64 and many many more. Some of the most popular content from Asmon also includes his “The True Story of Asmongold” videos, Zackrawrr tree house videos, the legendary WoW Transmog Competition and Mount Off competition, Ban Appeals, Media Share streams, Reddit Recap Reactions and much more.
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SL was gaaarbage !!!! beginning to end
I am currently playing on private server, there is currently patch 9.1.5 and I like it a lot tbh. Both pvp and pve.
Dragon flight is good
Compared to BFA everything is good 😂
and dont take it too serious.
Reddit is a website for degenerates.
People saying that WOW is dead really, honestly, have no idea what playing a "dead mmorpg" feels like. I see the same 20-50 people every day, bruh. That's the whole player base XD
I for one, and apparently this is now a hot take(?), don't think the skepticism is unwarranted. Blizzard has proven time and time and time and time again that they are incapable of appropriately gauging player satisfaction levels, they've proven to be abysmal at delivering on ideas (which are otherwise really good). Asmon, despite claiming he's the most impartial, logical person in the world, is obviously fucking attached to the game. He knows it and is either in denial or completely blind to his own emotions surrounding it. He'll talk shit about the game when it's bad and praise it when it's good. Yes, his opinions are that shallow.
This is just like CSGO, the community says the game is dead, yet < looks at charts > it seems more popular than ever for the most part.
What part of "First Impressions" they don't understand? second language? English is my second language and I can understand that.
Typical Asmon chat andy
“”But but, you said like 8 years ago that this or that was one way and today you said it’s another way””
As if things don’t change 😂
Give it 2/3months, maybe a little longer.
He'll back to his old self in no time.
I love the internet/social media stars. Your history is in video and we can see, we can hear what you said.
Lol fools trying to save themselves with shitty explanations that only the young portion of his audience believes all the time.
It's getting hard to enjoy a pathological liar. 🙁
Yea dragonflight looks like the same old garbage hard pass
Dragonflight is bad and if anyone thinks there's anything good about it they're wrong and gei.
There, just balancing out opinions. Not that anything can match Reddit…
Reddit is cancer
100%, I quit, so stop trying to convince me. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me thrice I became a doomer.
3:30 I was the exact same way, I instantly knew the bible myths were just made up stories
Dragon Flight= Ride and customize your Dragon!!!!! Cool story !!! Cool rewards!!!!!…..Reality= we Brough back Arthas because we really think he didn't learn…In this patch you can play a Female in high heels that you can customize ….step on the Princes soul and send him into oblivion!! this is 18 and old……… all ages need to see it!!!
"How I actually want to craft…" me as alchemist "THEY DISABLED EXPERIMENTING DUE BUG"
Umm, no.
I also enjoyed Shadowlands a lot in the first month or 2. Still the worst expansion ever by the end.
gru means grudnia, which is December in Polish. Grudzień takes its name from "gruda" word, which suppose to be clod, appropriate to winter season.
No suprise it was a ffxiv andy writing that xD
The same thing is going to happen with Dragonflight. The cycle will keep repeating itself.
BenWoodys: ive quit wow like 8 times
Me: I've quit black desert every month only to return everytime there's a new class.
people have fun and get bored, it's human nature nothing we can do about it.
Shadowlands is the worst xpac of all time.
It wasnt even wow, it was some weird diablo bullshit.
He was dead wrong
2 gru 2020
i bought shadowland because of youtube comments on a lot of asmon/zack vids.
it was the biggest launch they said, it made activblizz lots of money they said, millions of people play SL they said, it must be fun and not at all dying they said.
the game was not that fun.
bought gw2 after that, played it for the whole 2020-2021 while waiting for pandemic to go away.
i still had more fun spending just 50$ on gw2 for nearly 2 years than almost 100$ for a little over 2 month in SL
Blizzard is paying him, what do you think he would say? "hey, wow is dead, don't play the game"
thats cause reddits are cesspools
Loving DF so far, levelling my third character, doing dungeons and chilling with reps and world quests. So far so good. I actually have a few friends who came back to wow after almost 10 years away, and they are loving it too. The only part I don't really enjoy is professions, but it's probably not the content for me. Everything else is great, I'm able to do all the content I like, and on multiple characters! This is the best time I've had in game since MoP.
Which expansion is the intro music from?
DF is a dogshit expansion just like SL. Its hilarious seeing people call you out for your COPIUM takes.
No its not.
Well simply put you have become a simp for blizzard, your standards are very very low and you are surprised people dont agree with you when you claim an expansion is good based on the first 5 minutes of it. Weve been there, were older than you and more experienced. The game is in a terrible state and battleforshadowlflight looks exactly the same as all previous ones with people hitting max level within 2 days and grinding stupid easy dungeons and then doing raidfinder. Fuck this. Fuck this games dwindling audience of simpst and fuck you.
Its gonna be baddragon flight. Trust me.
but…but… Dragonflight WILL be dead in a week or two