Monk Broken? – Windwalker Monk/Holy Paladin 2300+ 2v2 arena Shadowlands 9.0.2 PvP

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Monk Broken? – Windwalker Monk/Holy Paladin 2300+ 2v2 arena Shadowlands 9.0.2 PvP

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31 thoughts on “Monk Broken? – Windwalker Monk/Holy Paladin 2300+ 2v2 arena Shadowlands 9.0.2 PvP”

  1. Yo nice vid homie. I can not seem to find like a macro/Key binding guide from your channel. For instance Xuen usually breaks cc while I am in 3s and I can tell from my comps voices they get tired of when things like this happen. Is there a way to burst with xuen without him leaping across the world and back?

  2. hey man i love ur vids great work. Where can i get your plater settings? I love the buff/debuffs over their healthbars. U can see it so clearly when they are that big.


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