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Monk Broken? – Windwalker Monk/Holy Paladin 2300+ 2v2 arena Shadowlands 9.0.2 PvP
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Monk Broken? – Windwalker Monk/Holy Paladin 2300+ 2v2 arena Shadowlands 9.0.2 PvP
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yo man u can tell me in 1:37 in left top corner big enemy attack CD use it is WA or any addons ?
Only now you think it's OP? :bigthonk: 😉
Yo nice vid homie. I can not seem to find like a macro/Key binding guide from your channel. For instance Xuen usually breaks cc while I am in 3s and I can tell from my comps voices they get tired of when things like this happen. Is there a way to burst with xuen without him leaping across the world and back?
Nice games.
I'm sorry.. hold up… You can hit through BoP?!
Monks def need a buff bois
hey man i love ur vids great work. Where can i get your plater settings? I love the buff/debuffs over their healthbars. U can see it so clearly when they are that big.
yoooo, u need this macro
/cast [@cursor] Ring of peace
you wont need to click it again
i was in the streeeeeeeeeeeam LUL
Hey man, great video!
Thanks alot for the content you are bringing out.
The thumbnails are hilarious though but it is what it is man.
see you in stream.
Hey brother im watching your stream just wanted to see my message on it, love ur vids <3
Do you ever have a hard time with warriors ?
bruh the druid's name at 9mins. Wish I thought of that
Against which combs do you take Tigerbrew? Thanks for always quick answering.
Yo Fax! I saw you were using the badge trinket in this video for more dps, instead of the maximum health emblem. Which one do you think is better?
Could you do a video going over your keybinds?
8:32 EIGHTEEN THOUSAND rising sun kick? What the hell?
They do need a buff :). Hey bro what’s the add on you use for the buffs above the nameplates?
Lol biggest stretch of the term "1 shot" I've ever witnessed. But nice job.
Da damn you are pretty good
Few addon questions. What is the addon you can see teammates cds and also your damage numbers
If you stopped talking in your videos you'd get more views
Enjoy the nerf lol. I have a feeling it’s going to be similar to the one they hit rogues with.
It's like 100% of the time rolling off a ledge and landing with tigers lust on anyone disconnects you and its so hard not to use ur shit like that sometimes
Which pvp talent do you replace with tigereye
Yo Fam! you seem like a young fella, love ur vids! If I would've gussed ur age… it would be… 20?
Can WW/Priest win against Warr/Rsham – War/Hpala? Been struggling against them at 2k rating 2s, is that normal?
Whats ir build? Im trying to improve with monk, if u give me a guide, ill subscribe Bro. Im cheking ur videos, and last guide was more than 1 Month ago, nothing has changed
Hey u look like exactly Harry Potter's friend lpl
Was that an 18k rsk crit on the prot pally at 8:32 o.o
shat or sat pause