More Character Catch-Ups Added For Alt Conduits And Honor Farming 9.1.5! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5

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18 thoughts on “More Character Catch-Ups Added For Alt Conduits And Honor Farming 9.1.5! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5”

  1. No price cut or sale on 60 store buff wth bliz don't u need my money for more ass grabbing nonsense or to pay your teckies to put same things in game we had last xpact ? So boring. Maybe instead of all these catchups at end of xpact fix your game before release. Less gold farmers and tubers in testing would be great.

  2. Thanks for the info on the conduit catch up. I didn’t know about that and it’s so needed. Also agree they need to catch up the legendary memories. Why not just add to the loot table for current raid and the new 9.2 as well.

  3. a significantly reduced gear gap would bring many casuals back to pvp & would allow new players to pvp to enjoy the action & maybe actually stick around. The q times are getting slow af in the levelling brackets (also, when was the last time you saw an epic bg pop below max level…. this game is slowly drying up).

  4. since patch 9.2 isn't that far away anymore, they could ve given us 226 conduits on alts instead of 200, ofc 200 is better than nothing, but you still gotta do korthia in order to get moreless prepared for the endcontent…

  5. they literally have catch up on Leggos, you can purchase a random power that you dont have, there are various vendors including the Codex Vendor in Korthia, so if your needed leggo is on a World Boss, get the other powers and then buy that missing power.

  6. "Not all of us have the time to grind Korthia endlessly." says the giant man baby who has time to do every Mage Tower Challenge, get the spellbook mount, and get four daggers from Sylvanas on Mythic. Why don't you go build houses for the homeless instead of pretending like you have the voice of a professional disc jockey?

  7. Yeah the really have to make it easier to acuarrie legos. No one is doing LFR CN anymore and iw bought about 5 random scrolls from the vendor in Korthia without getting the lego i want. It just takes to much time right now!.


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