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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
First one here
2nd one here
Hype for 2 legendaries
I'm so glad we can get Tier sets outside of raiding. Hope they do the same in the future
Some people might find the whole alien-origins stuff great. It alienates me though. Up to the point it doesn’t feel like WoW anymore. I’ll deffinately try it because of tier sets and possibly answers, but I’d rather go back on Azeroth
So i play necrolord demolock this kind of force me to stay demonbolt build witch i already am
Wow, the druid was top DPS for the entire run!
I think class sets should give something like glyphs were instead of fixed bonuses, make it have a major and a minor slot unlocked by how many pieces you have equipped, and bring back all possible bonus sets from every tier sets before as socketed abilities for this new tier set, maybe it was what they were trying to do with shards, don't know
what I mean is, I don't trust blizzard to choose bonus sets for my class, because I don't think they know how the game really works, so I would prefer to have some options to choose from
2 legendaries with one being the covenant one totually fcks over thr free cov swapping. Im not gonna get 4 legendaries on 6 characters if they will cost 100k each.
Double leggos lets go
am i need to refarm again all my pvp gear as the patch came out ? or it will be still usfull ?
About time for Class gear sets
The actual footage of the tier sets they showed were so bad.
Hi guys i want to start playing wow but its hard for me to find a main to be good overall in both pvp and pve: Im thinking between Shadow Priest, Balance Druid, MM Hunter, WW Monk and Sub Rogue. Any advices?
The idea of using brawls as a solo-q testing ground is a great idea. More people than ptr. Less of an impact as a straight-on implementation. It could work well in my opinion.
What side do u play on
i hope that the Solo Brawl queue is a test for the concept of Solo Queue that people have been wanting for PVP, i know Stoopz was pushing for it a long time.
very good thtat t sets coming back! but these t sets look realy bad.. e.g. the mage set looks like a rnd oribos dude…
Those sets look ugly af tbh ngl